Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    Ambassador's July 4 Greeting

    With much of the MidEast in turmoil and Iran striving to make nuclear weapons, Americans know that there is one state in the region that is relentlessly democratic, economically and militarily robust, remarkably innovative and unequivocally pro-America.
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    Netanyahu's July 4 Greetings

    Netanyahu: "I appreciate deeply all that America has done for Israel. I appreciate all the great sacrifices that America has made in order to advance liberty and democracy throughout the world."
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    Commemorate PM Shamir

    The Embassy of Israel's Jerusalem Hall will be open to the public for the signing of a Commemoration Book for PM Shamir, and for those who wish to pay their respects
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    "Mark the Munich '72 murder"

    U.S. Senate passed a resolution calling the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to mark the 1972 Olympic games murder with one minute of silence during the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
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    PMO on Egyptian elections

    Israel looks forward to continuing cooperation with the Egyptian government.
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    Israel's green branding on TV

    The State of Israel is, for the first time, launching an international television campaign on CNN to brand itself as a green country which pioneers "green technology".
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    Israel at the UN Earth Summit

    Israel an important player at this year's Earth Summit, RIO+20, to take place in Rio de Janeiro on 20-22 June.
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    Fourth Presidential Conference

    The fourth Israel Presidential Conference Facing Tomorrow 2012, under the auspices of President Shimon Peres, will begin tomorrow in Jerusalem.
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    Terror attack in south

    A civilian working on the Israel-Egypt security fence was killed and two others were wounded Monday morning (18 June), in a terror attack on the southern border.
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    RIO+20 June 2012

    Israel attaches great importance to this year's Earth Summit, RIO+20, to take place in Rio de Janeiro on 20-22 June.
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    Peres awarded Medal of Freedom

    On Tuesday evening, June 13, 2012, at the White House, President Barack Obama awarded Israel President Shimon Peres with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
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    Israeli Wins World Food Prize

    Dr. Daniel Hillel was awarded the 2012 World Food Prize for pioneering work in micro-irrigation.
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    Peres and Clinton at Brookings

    Peres, in Washington to receive the Medal of Freedom from President Obama, participated in an event at the Brookings Institution together with US Secy of State Clinton.
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    Amb. Prosor on Syria

    Statement of Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor to the United Nations UN General Assembly on the situation in Syria.
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    Israel-US Dialogue

    The Israeli delegation presented on terrorist threats, core challenges it faces, Iran’s involvement in terrorism, Hizballah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad
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