Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    DFM Ayalon visits Latrun Trappist Monastery

    DFM Ayalon at Latrun Monastery: “The attack on you is terrorism against all of us. This is not the way of Zionism or of Judaism. We will not allow freedom of religion in Israel to be compromised.”
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    President Peres Rosh Hashana greeting Sept 2012

    We look upon the Jewish communities around the world not only as our extended family, but also as our full partners.
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    Israel-Nepal joint stamp issue

    Israel and Nepal issued a joint stamp dedicated to the lowest place on earth - the Dead Sea - and the highest - Mount Everest.
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    Insect-free groceries

    Israel’s Bio[pack] is marketing a packaging compound derived from plants’ own natural pest repellents to keep bugs out of food, warehouses and supermarkets
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    40 Years Later: The Munich Olympics Massacre

    On the 40th anniversary of the abduction and massacre of the 11 Israeli athletes by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Munich Olympics, commemoration ceremonies will be held in Germany.
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    Ambassador Prosor at UN GA debate on Syria

    Long before Assad’s planes demolished major cities, long before his thugs murdered entire families in their homes, long before the death count rose well above 20,000, the dangers of inaction were unmistakable
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    Artists 4 Israel do Warhol at UPitt

    Israeli advocacy organization re-creates famed subway mural Honoring Warhol, at the University of Pittsburgh, PA
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    Israel's Paralympic Athletes

    The 25 Paralympic athletes who will represent Israel in London will compete in nine sports: Road Cycling, Rowing, Sailing, Wheelchair Tennis, Table Tennis, Shooting, Swimming, Equestrian and Athletics.
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    Holocaust files digitization

    Yad Vashem and the Netherlands to sign agreement for Dutch contribution to digitization of Righteous Among the Nations material
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    Algae products

    Israel’s Seambiotic helps power plants funnel smokestack gas to algae ponds, where the CO2 is transformed into biofuel or nutraceuticals
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    Netanyahu condemns violence

    PM Netanyahu: In the State of Israel, we are not prepared to tolerate racism; neither are we prepared to tolerate the combination of racism and violence.
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    Recent Iranian statements

    Ahmadinejad: "In the new Middle East there will be no trace of the American presence and the Zionists. The very existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to the humankind and an affront to all world nations."
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    Israel to UN: Iran statements

    Iran - a member state of the United Nations - continues to declare that it seeks the destruction of Israel, another UN Member State.
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    World Humanitarian Day 2012

    On August 19, the world marks World Humanitarian Day, celebrating the efforts of those who provide assistance to those who are suffering.
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    Michael Oren Hosts Iftar Feast

    Ambassador Michael Oren hosted a traditional Iftar dinner at his residence bringing together members of the Muslim and Jewish community. Ambassdor Oren: "Israel's Muslim community is a dynamic and vibrant community."
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