DFM Ayalon visits Latrun Trappist Monastery

DFM Ayalon visits Latrun Trappist Monastery

  •   DFM Ayalon visits Latrun Trappist Monastery
    DFM Ayalon at Latrun Monastery: “The attack on you is terrorism against all of us. This is not the way of Zionism or of Judaism. We will not allow freedom of religion in Israel to be compromised.”
  • DFM Ayalon with Father Rene (left) and Father Louis
    (Communicated by the Deputy Foreign Minister's Bureau)
    Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon visited the Latrun Trappist Monastery Wednesday evening (5 September 2012), following the recent incident of vandalism there.
    At the monastery Minister Ayalon met with the abbot, Father Rene and told him, “I have come on behalf of the government and the people of Israel to offer you our empathy and support. This act of terrorism hurts not only the monks in the monastery; it hurts the Jewish people and the State of Israel. This is not the way of Zionism or of Judaism – just the opposite. Freedom of religion and freedom of worship are primary values in the Israeli democracy and we will not allow them to be compromised. An attack on a church is an attack on synagogues and mosques. The government of Israel does not intend to ignore this reprehensible act and is making every effort to bring the perpetrators to justice.”

    DFM Ayalon and delegation visit Latrun Monastery

    Father Rene and Father Louis thanked the deputy foreign minister warmly and told him that his gesture on behalf of the Israeli government was very moving and encouraging.
    Before visiting the monastery, DFM Ayalon spoke with the French ambassador to Israel, Christophe Bigot, to express the government’s deep shock at the incident and to assure him that Israel was determined to apprehend those responsible.