Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu and Sec. Kerry meet at Jerusalem

    PM Netanyahu: "We believe that, in a final deal, unlike the interim deal, it is crucial to bring about a final agreement about the termination of Iran's military nuclear capability"
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    Israeli Startup Creates Clip for Dylan's Classic

    Interlude's interactive video for “Like A Rolling Stone” includes 16 different channels, and was produced based on the company's unique technology.
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    Happy Hanukkah!

    The Jewish Holiday of Hanukkah lasts eight days, marking the liberation of Jerusalem from Greek rule, under the leasership of the Macabees.
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    Israeli Music Legend Arik Einstein Dies

    ​The Israeli singer, songwriter and actor,Arik Einstein, widely considered to be one of the greatest singers in Israeli history has died today. Einstein Died from heart complications at age 74.
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    PM Netanyahu on the Geneva Agreement

    "What was achieved in Geneva is not an historic agreement; it is an historic mistake.”
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    Watch: Israel, US launch Joint Air Force Exercise

    Israel's largest Air force training exercise includes participants from the US, Italian and Greek air forces and aims to improve Israel’s general air defense capabilities while learning together and cooperating with global allies.
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    Israeli aid to Philippines in wake of typhoon

    The Israeli field hospital has already treated hundreds of patients, including many children. The name chosen by the grateful parents of the first Philippine baby born in the field hospital was "Israel".
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    French President Hollande on state visit to Israel

    President Peres: "France stands at the forefront in its steadfast opposition to Iran's attempt to acquire nuclear weapons and its development of long range missiles."
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks regarding Iran

    PM Netanyahu: “The time that was achieved over the weekend must be utilized to achieve a much better deal. The target date for this deal is – the date on which a good deal will be achieved that will deny Iran a military nuclear capability.”
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    PM Netanyahu addresses Jewish Federations GA

    In the deal being proposed now, Iran does not roll back its nuclear weapons-making capacities at all, but the P5+1 are rolling back sanctions. That's a bad deal. It's a dangerous deal because it keeps Iran as a nuclear threshold nation.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Secretary Kerry

    PM Netanyahu: I believe that the pressure should be maintained and even increased on the Iranian regime, because they're increasing enrichment, and I believe that it's possible with intense pressure to get Iran to fully dismantle its nuclear weapons
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    The Bedouin in the Negev and the Begin Plan

    Israel is promoting a comprehensive policy aimed at improving the Bedouin's economic, social and living conditions, as well as resolving long-standing land issues.
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    Video: Innovations Combining Health and Science

    Israel is a world leader in innovative medical technology. Israeli inventions help to prevent, heal, and monitor some of the world’s most pressing health conditions.
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    The Bedouin in the Negev: Hoping for Change

    Kamel Abu Nadi, a Bedouin from the Negev in southern Israel, speaks about the Israeli government's new plan of community and economic development for the Bedouin.
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    Video: Israeli Innovations in Life Sciences

    A smartphone app that tests body temperature and blood sugar or the use of copper in textiles to reduce hospital infections are just two examples of Israeli innovations in life sciences.
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