Israeli Music Legend Arik Einstein Dies

Israeli Music Legend Arik Einstein Dies

    Legendary Israeli singer, songwriter and actor, Arik Einstein, widely considered to be one of the greatest singers in Israel's history has died today. Einstein Died from heart complications at age 74.

    Einstein is considered to be one of the founding fathers of Israeli rock and folk music. His career as a vocalist and a song writer spans more than 50 years. He performed dozens of the most recognizable Israeli songs such as "Ani Veata" (Me and You), "Ohev Lih'yot Babayit" (Loves to be at home), "Sa Le'at" ​(Drive Slowly), "Yoshev Al HaGader" (Sitting on the Fence), and "Uf Gozal" (Fly, Little Nestling).

    Einstein was known also for his acting career, performing in sketch shows and movies. He is especially remembered from his participation in the early 1970s TV sketch series Lool (Chicken Coop), and the movies Mezizim (1972), and Cables (1992). 

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