Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    Terrorist attacks in Tel Aviv and Alon Shvut

    Young woman and IDF soldier killed in separate stabbing attacks. PM Netanyahu: "The terrorism against us knows no borders. The terrorists and those who incite to it want to get rid of us wherever we are."
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    Terror attack in Jerusalem kills one, injures 14

    A Palestinian terrorist used his car to deliberately drive into a crowd of Israelis near a light-rail train station in Jerusalem shortly after noon. Three Israeli soldiers were injured Wednesday evening in the day’s second vehicular terror attack.
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    Amb. Dermer at "A Night to Honor Israel"

    Baby killed, eight wounded in Jerusalem terror attack

    Prime Minister Netanyahu: "This is how Abu Mazen's partners in government act, the same Abu Mazen who - only a few days ago - incited toward a terrorist attack in Jerusalem."
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    Help the fight against Ebola

    MASHAV, in the name of the Foreign Ministry and the government of Israel, calls upon Israelis to join in the global effort to assist the Western African countries in combating the outbreak of the Ebola virus.
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    Israel and UNWomen: Economic Empowerment of Women

    MASHAV and UNWomen partnered for a workshop aimed at empowering women through the establishment of small enterprises
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks to Jewish Federation leaders in New York

    ​To defeat ISIS and leave Iran as a threshold nuclear power is to win the battle and lose the war. We have to defeat ISIS, but we also have to prevent Iran from getting the capability to produce nuclear weapons.
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    PM Netanyahu and FM Liberman meet with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

    PM Netanyahu: There is no justice in the fact that the standard applied to Israel is different than that applied to other countries. Israel did not direct its attacks against civilians and the UN's conduct toward Israel is disproportionate.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the UN General Assembly

    ISIS and Hamas share a fanatical creed, which they both seek to impose well beyond the territory under their control. ISIS must be defeated. But to defeat ISIS and leave Iran as a threshold nuclear power is to win the battle and lose the war.
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    PM Netanyahu leaves on working visit to the US

    "In my address to the UN General Assembly, I will refute all of the lies being directed at us and I will tell the truth about our state and about the heroic soldiers of the IDF, the most moral army in the world."
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    MFA Spokesman on IAEA vote

    The vote by the IAEA states expresses a rejection of the repeated Arab attempt to condemn and isolate Israel within the IAEA, and to deflect attention of the international community from the burning issues in the Middle East.
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    PM Netanyahu's Rosh Hashana greeting to Jewish communities abroad

    PM Netanyahu: Israel will remain a source of pride and strength for Jews, no matter where they live and I have no doubt that the future of the Jewish people is one of hope and promise.
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    Israeli Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Continues

    Israel continues to facilitate the entrance of goods and aid to the Gaza Strip, as well as the transfer of patients requiring treatment to Israeli hospitals through the Erez Crossing.
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    Hamas' exploitation of civilian facilities

    Hamas intentionally operates in civilian areas, including kindergartens, hospitals and mosques to carry out military activity, turning the civilian population into human shields so that Israel will be blamed for any injury and loss of life.
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    Similarities between Hamas and ISIS

    Both terrorist organizations view jihad and suicide attacks as primary tools. Both terrorist organizations persecute and oppress non-Muslim minorities. Both organizations execute people who are suspected of supporting their opponents.
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