Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    President Rivlin addresses JFNA General Assembly

    We need to talk, we have to talk, and we need to listen. We are not ‘strategic allies’; we are family. We do not have ‘shared interests’; we have a shared fate, a shared history, and a shared future - a very bright one.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin

    We welcome President Trump's bold decision to get out of the JCPOA, and the focus of our discussions today is ramping up the pressure against the world's foremost terrorist regime – the aggressive regime in Tehran.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting

    Khan al-Ahmar will be evacuated, with or without agreement. We will give a last chance for evacuation by agreement but in any case Khan al-Ahmar will be evacuated.
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    President Rivlin marks 23rd anniversary of the murder of Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Yitzhak Rabin at an official ceremony

    President Rivlin: “23 years we have held ‘Ner Yitzhak’ here, in the land he loved. There was a man and he is no more. A man who fought on the battlefield and pursued peace with the same determination."
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    President Rivlin meets with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and comments on escalation in the south

    President Rivlin: “Israel will not stand by while our people are under attack, and the world must know that. We will respond, using all necessary force, until there is calm."
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    PM Netanyahu holds security assessment at IDF Gaza Division HQ

    PM Netanyahu: Israel views with utmost gravity the attacks against it on the fence, on the area adjacent to the Gaza Strip, on Be'er Sheva – everywhere. If these attacks do not stop – we will stop them. Israel will take very strong action.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with Australian PM Scott Morrison

    PM Netanyahu thanked PM Morrison for stating that he is considering officially recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the Australian Embassy to Jerusalem.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    Hamas, apparently, has not internalized the message. If they do not stop the violent attacks against us, they will be stopped in a different way and it will be very painful. If it has sense, Hamas will stop firing and stop these violent disturbances–now.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the Christian Media Summit

    Iran wants to base itself next to Israel in order to destroy Israel. We will not let them do so. We back up these words with actions. We'll continue to do what we need to do to protect ourselves and defend ourselves against those who would destroy us.
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    PM Netanyahu tours US Navy destroyer USS Ross in Ashdod Port

    America projects the power of freedom to every part of the globe. It is American power that protects American values that are universal values that we in Israel share; the US navy’s role in this is enormous.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Russian DPM Maxim Akimov

    Prime Minister Netanyahu emphasized the importance of the link between the two countries and of the continued dialogue regarding threats in the region based on common interests.
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    PM Netanyahu's Office on the IAEA Statement

    The IAEA does not relate to the specific site in Turquzabad. There is no reason to wait. The IAEA must inspect the site and immediately dispatch monitors with Geiger counters and the Prime Minister's words will be seen as verifiably true.
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    PM Netanyahu thanks the US administration for commitment to Israel

    PM Netanyahu: Israel and the world face complex security challenges, especially Iranian aggression. The unreserved US support for Israel's right to defend itself is among the pillars of the strong bond between the two countries.
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    PM Netanyahu on Iran and Hezbollah

    It is unfortunate that the Lebanese government is sacrificing the peace of its citizens to cover for Hezbollah which has taken Lebanon hostage for its aggression against Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with leaders of US Jewish Organizations

    Prime Minister Netanyahu explained the importance of the Nation-State Law and also discussed other issues regarding the US and Diaspora Jewish communities.
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