President Rivlin meets with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process 17 Oct 2018

President Rivlin meets with UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and comments on escalation in the south

    President Rivlin: “Israel will not stand by while our people are under attack, and the world must know that. We will respond, using all necessary force, until there is calm."
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    President Rivlin with UN Special Coordinator Mladenov President Rivlin with UN Special Coordinator Mladenov Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    President Reuven Rivlin today, (Wednesday, 17 October) met UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace process, Nickolay Mladenov, and discussed regional diplomatic and security issues.
    The president welcomed Special Coordinator Mladenov and commented on the escalation in the south: “Last night, missiles were fired on us from Gaza. Only the quick response of a mother saved the lives of her children. Men, women and children all spent the night in shelters. Israel will not stand by while our people are under attack, and the world must know that.
    As long as Gaza is controlled by Hamas it is responsible for every attack on Israel,” he continued. “Hamas continues to hold the people of Gaza hostage, bringing them destruction and  suffering. So long as the missiles and the provocation continue on, there is no chance of easing the suffering of the people of Gaza.”
    Mr. Mladenov responded to the President, saying: “Thank you very much, Mr President, for this important meeting. I look forward to briefing you on our efforts. I am afraid that the last 24 hours have been particularly complicated. The latest rockets that were fired from Gaza towards Beer Sheva are a dangerous escalation of the situation. Unfortunately, they fit a pattern of provocations that seek to bring Israel and Gaza into another deadly conflict and confrontation.
    It is our responsibility to do everything possible to avoid that confrontation and I want to assure you that over the last three months we have worked very actively with all parties  - with the government of Israel, with the Palestinian Authority, with the regional players, particularly with Egypt and the international community  - to pursue three goals. Firstly, to avoid a war which would be devastating for the people of Gaza and for the Israelis who live across the border. Secondly, to alleviate the humanitarian suffering of the people who live in really terrible conditions. And thirdly, to support our joint efforts with Egypt to bring the legitimate Palestinian Authority back into control of Gaza.
    This is the only path forward and we need to make sure that in the next 48 hours we really see a de-escalation on the ground so that these efforts can continue in the interests of peace between Israelis and Palestinians and in the interests of peace in the entire region. I am afraid that there is no more time for words. Now is the time for actions. And we must see very clear actions on all sides that bring the situation to a de-escalation. Otherwise, the consequences will be terrible for everyone. I look forward to discussing with you what can be done in order to de-escalate this environment and to move forward in a constructive manner. Thank you once again. “