Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    PM Netanyahu visits Border Policewoman wounded in terror attack

    We are in a very major effort against terrorism. We have revoked very many permits to work in Israel and the Attorney General informed me yesterday that he has slated several more terrorists' homes to be sealed and demolished.
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    Israel leads global effort to face chemical warfare

    The international conference provided an opportunity for professionals from througout the world to share the latest findings and new experiences concerning health system readiness for emergencies of all types.
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    Righteous Among the Nations

    The Embassy of Israel, in partnership with Yad Vashem, posthumously honored four Righteous Among The Nations: Roddie Edmonds, Lois Gunden, and Walery and Maryla Zbijewski. ​The historic event included remarks by President Barack Obama. ​
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    International Holocaust Remembrance Day marked in 100 states and Israeli missions

    Events to mark the day are organized each year by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This year, special emphasis is being given to Africa and China, with events activities taking place in Israel’s four Chinese missions for the first time.
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    PM Netanyahu's greeting on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day

    Jews are once again being targeted for being Jews. Around the world, Jewish communities are increasingly living in fear. Antisemitism is directed against individual Jews, and we also see this hatred directed against the collective Jew, the Jewish state.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the CyberTech Conference

    We live in a world of great technological change offering unprecedented possibilities. Yet at the same time, we are facing a savage medievalism that seeks to take our world back to a dark age of humanity.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with the founders of ten cyber companies

    Israel has a clear cyber security problem originating from both organizations and countries. This is a threat that could paralyze a country. We would like for there to be as few regulations as possible along with as much security as possible.
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    PM Netanyahu attends World Economic Forum in Davos

    At the World Economic Forum in Davos, PM Netanyahu will present the Israeli economy, focusing on its leadership in technology and cyber, and meet with heads of state, leaders and senior global industrialists.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with US Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry

    PM Netanyahu showed US Secretary of State Kerry the Palestinian incitement video in order to show that Palestinian incitement is still a very significant and decisive factor as an engine for terrorism.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with global cyber industry leaders in Davos

    Israel has set for itself being a cyber power as a top priority. In the new age, it is cyber defense that makes the future possible and constitutes a precondition for growth and security.
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    President Rivlin: "The Islamic State is already here, within Israel"

    "The ISA and the Israel Police must intensify their capabilities among the Arab community, while isolating the violent extremists and dealing with them with a firm hand."
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    PM Netanyahu attends welcoming ceremony for INS Rahav

    Our naval arm, including the submarines, is an essential defensive force in the stormy reality of the Middle East. Our goals are clear: Maintain our security, ensure our sovereignty and advance the development and prosperity of our country.
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    President Rivlin addresses INS Rahav welcoming ceremony

    In the coming decades, the INS Rahav will take an active part in defending the State of Israel and its territorial waters, operating deeper, further, and for longer from the very depths, enabling our ability to act in the naval arena.
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    Dir-Gen Gold addresses the Woodrow Wilson Center Middle East Forum

    Dir-Gen Dr. Dore Gold addressed the Woodrow Wilson Middle East Forum in Washington
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    Wave of Terror Through January 2016

    The recent series of attacks against Israelis is the direct result of incitement by radical Islamist and terrorist elements, calling on Palestinian youth to murder Jews.
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