Wave of terror October 2015

Wave of Terror Through January 2016


    Report on MFA website, including pictures and links

    Below is a review of major terror attacks against Israeli civilians that have occurred since the Jewish New Year (13 September 2015). This is a partial list that does not include attacks thwarted by the security forces or the many instances of rock throwing and Molotov cocktails (66 reported, as of 11 November) that did not result in very severe injuries.

    ·         Since the beginning of the current wave of terrorist attacks, 27 people have been killed  and 279 people injured – 25 of them seriously – 8 moderate-to-serious – in terrorist attacks.

    ·         IDF – terror by numbers: 99 stabbing attacks;  37 shootings; 22 vehicular (ramming) attacks.

    According to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC), during the past month there has been a wave of terrorist attacks which began on the Temple Mount and in east Jerusalem. The attacks later spread to Judea and Samaria and even crossed the Green Line into Israel under the battle cry of "Al-Aqsa mosque is in danger."

    The current wave of terrorist attacks is part of the PA's strategy of "popular resistance" (i.e., popular terrorism) adopted by the PA and Fatah at the Sixth Fatah conference in August 2009. Statements by Fatah, Hamas and PIJ spokespersons have described the attacks as "heroic actions" and "the natural response to Israel's crimes".

    Following is a list of major terror attacks against Israelis through January 5, 2016. 

    January 5 

    Gush Etzion: Stabbing attack – IDF soldier lightly wounded. Assailant shot and killed by forces on site.


    January 4 

    Jerusalem: Attempted stabbing attack near the National Police Headquarters – a passerby was very lightly wounded. Forces shot the assailant in the leg; when he continued to flee, they shot him again. He was brought to hospital in moderate condition.


    January 3 

    Jerusalem: Attempted stabbing attack in Armon Hanatziv neighborhood; the knife didn’t penetrate; attacker fled. Suspect later apprehended. 

    South Hebron hills: Soldier lightly wounded by gunfire during security check.

    Hebron, near Tomb of the Patriarchs: Female soldier moderately wounded by sniper fire from Abu Snena neighborhood.


    January 2 

    Jerusalem – on the road to Gush Etzion: Shooting at passing cars; Arab Israeli lightly wounded.


    January 1 

    Tel Aviv: In a shooting attack at a pub, two killed – Alon Bakal (26), the pub’s manager, and Shimon Ruime (30) – and 8 injured, two seriously. The assailant (29, Arab-Israeli citizen from Arara village in northern Israel) is still at large. [Possibly related, possibly not: a taxi driver was shot dead in his vehicle in another part of Tel Aviv.]


    December 31

    Samaria (between Hawara and Tapuah on Route 60): Ramming attack – one soldier lightly injured; driver shot and killed.

    December 27 

    Hawara (south of Nablus): Stabbing attack by two terrorists; a soldier was wounded. The terrorists (17 & 27, from Jenin) were shot and killed by soldiers on site; one soldier was mistakenly hit by the fire.

    Three stabbing attacks were foiled, one in Hebron, one in Samaria, and one in the Old City of Jerusalem. The assailants, an Arab man who crossed into Jerusalem illegally, and two Arab women (one of them 15 years old), were apprehended. 

    Jerusalem: IDF soldier (18) was stabbed and moderately wounded near the central bus station. Assailant (resident of eastern Jerusalem) was arrested.


    December 26

    Hawara checkpoint: Soldier lightly injured in a ramming attack. Assailant (56) shot by forces; later died of wounds in Nablus hospital.

    Jerusalem: Stabbing attack foiled – Resident (26) of Ras el-Amud, an eastern Jerusalem neighborhood, aroused suspicions of police officers (security cameras show that the Arab sat and waited in the area between Jaffa Gate and Tzahal Square; when he saw a man wrapped in a tallis – prayer showl – walking with his children on their way to Sabbath morning prayers, he followed them). When confronted by the officer, he pulled out a large knife. The officer shot him once; when the assailant continued to move towards the officers with the knife, he was shot a second time and killed on site.


    December 25 

    Bethlehem: Palestinians threw stones at the vehicle of the Latin Patriarch, Fuad Twal, who was visiting Bethlehem on Christmas day.

    Silwad, near Ofra in the Benjamin region of Samaria: Attempted ramming attack by an Arab woman (40). The driver was shot and killed on site.

    December 24 

    Hebron: A Palestinian attempted to stab security forces; assailant was shot.

    Ariel: A Palestinian armed with a knife stabbed two people in Ariel. The two victims were security personnel. The assailant was shot.


    December 23

    Jerusalem: Near Jaffa Gate, two Palestinians (19 & 20, from Kalandia refugee camp) attacked passersby with knives. Rabbi Reuven Biermacher (45, father of seven), died of multiple stab wounds. Ofer Ben-Ari (46) died of wounds from a stray bullet when two Border Police officers shot the assailants and stopped the attack. A third man was wounded. The terrorists were shot and killed. Both have been imprisoned before for security offenses.


    December 20

    Hebron: A gunman shot at IDF forces; no injuries.

    Hebron: A female assailant who tried to stab a soldier was shot and apprehended.


    December 19

    Raanana: Arab stabbed 3 Israelis. One man was seriously wounded; after receiving medical attention, he is in moderate condition. The assailant was arrested.


    December 17-18

    Attacks continue – south of Nablus, a terrorist tried to stab security forces and was shot and killed; at Kalandia Crossing, a Palestinian assailant tried to ram vehicle into security forces and was shot and wounded; another assailant was shot in a car ramming attack during a violent riot near Ramallah.


    December 14

    Beit Aryeh – Luban: Three Israelis were lightly injured by a huge rock that crashed through the windshield of their car.

    Jerusalem: Eleven to fourteen people (reports differ) were injured in a vehicular ramming attack at a bus stop opposite the Calatrava Bridge at the entrance to Jerusalem, around 3 pm on Monday afternoon. The injured include two moderately, a 15-month-old baby who was seriously injured, and the baby’s mother. The baby underwent micro-surgery to save his foot, which was nearly cut off in the attack. The terrorist (21, originally from the Beit Hanina neighborhood in Jerusalem, currently residing in Hebron) was shot and killed by security forces.


    December 13

    Kiryat Arba, Gush Etzion: A Palestinian woman who attempted to stab a civilian was shot and apprehended by IDF forces.


    December 11

    Halhoul Junction, near Kiryat Arba: A terrorist who attempted to run over IDF soldiers was shot and killed.

    Gilboa (Jalame) Crossing: Shots were fired at soldiers from a Palestinian vehicle. Attacker was shot and wounded by IDF forces and later arrested by PA police.


    December 10

    Between Beit Aryeh community and Luban village in the Benyamin region of Samaria: Ramming attack injured 4 soldiers, 2 lightly, one moderately and one seriously (20). The terrorist (a member of Hamas) was apprehended after a search. 

    December 9

    Afula, northern Israel: Stabbing attack foiled when 3 Arab teens from Jenin were apprehended in possession of butcher knifes.

    Samaria: A Jewish man was seriously injured, and his wife lightly injured, when 23 bullets hit their car in a drive-by shooting attack on the road from Avney Hefetz. The attackers are suspected of fleeing to nearby Tulkarm. 

    Hebron: A terrorist stabbed a soldier and a civilian at a checkpoint near Beit Hadassah. The soldier was moderately wounded; the civilian lightly wounded. The terrorist (cousin of the terrorist who carried out the stabbing attack near the Tomb of the Patriarchs on 7 Dec.) was shot and killed by security forces.


    December 7

    Hebron: An Israeli man (~40) was very critically injured in a stabbing attack near the Tomb of the Patriarchs. The assailant (21) was shot and killed.


    December 6

    Jerusalem: An Arab resident (21) of the Beit Hanina neighborhood in Jerusalem ran over two civilians with his car and then exited the vehicle and stabbed a volunteer police officer. A soldier who happened to be in the area shot and killed the attacker. Three people were lightly injured and a number of witnesses to the attack were treated for anxiety.


    December 5

    Hebron: Female Palestinian (18) drew a knife at a checkpoint and was arrested.


    December 4

    Ofra, Benyamin Region (northwest of Jerusalem): Two IDF soldiers were injured in a ramming attack. The Palestinian driver was shot and killed by soldiers on the scene.

    Abud, Benyamin Region (northwest of Jerusalem): Palestinian stabbed an IDF soldier in the neck. The attacker (27) was shot and killed at the scene. The soldier is in good condition.

    Hebron: Two terrorists – one stabbed a soldier; both terrorists shot and killed on site.


    December 3 

    Jerusalem, near the Old City: Terrorist stabbed a police officer (35) and was killed.

    Pesagot, Benyamin Region (near Ramallah): Shots fired at an Israeli car; no injuries. 

    Hizma checkpoint, Jerusalem: A Palestinian man (member of the PA intelligence agency) exited his car and opened fire. One soldier (20) and one civilian (47, Israeli Arab) were wounded. IDF troops returned fire and killed the gunman.


    December 2

    Shuafat, Jerusalem: Shooting at soldiers; no injuries and no arrests.


    December 1

    Einav junction, near Nablus, Samaria: Following an attempt to stab an officer, a female assailant was shot and killed.

    Gush Etzion: Terrorist (16) who tried to stab a man (35) at a hitchhiking stop, was shot and killed. One Israeli man was lightly injured by the gunfire.

    November 29

    Jerusalem: Woman (in 30’s) stabbed in bus, lightly wounded. Suspect arrested.

    Jerusalem: A police officer was moderately wounded in a stabbing attack near Damascus Gate. The terrorist was shot and killed.


    November 27

    Beit Omar, near Hebron: Six soldiers were injured in a car ramming attack. The terrorist was shot and killed.

    Kfar Adumim junction: Two soldiers were injured in a car ramming attack at a bus stop. The terrorist (from El Bira, near Ramallah) was shot and killed. His brother perpetrated a ramming/stabbing attack in the same area on Sunday (22 Nov.) and was shot and killed.


    November 25:

    Al-Fawar junction, south of Hebron: An IDF soldier was stabbed and seriously wounded. The assailant (19), a student at the Palestine Technical College, was shot and killed.

    November 24 

    Samaria – Tapuah Junction: Car ramming attack; 3 soldiers and a Border Police officer injured. Terrorist (21, from Jenin) was shot at the scene.


    November 23 

    Route 443: Ziv Mizrahi (18) was stabbed to death and two women were injured in a terrorist attack at a gas station on the highway between Jerusalem and Modi’in. Ziv had just started his army service three months ago. The attacker was shot. [On 9 August, a stabbing attack took place at the same site; an Israeli man was lightly injured and the attacker was shot and killed by IDF forces.]

    Samaria, near Nablus: Stabbing attack – Palestinian who tried to stab a soldier was shot and killed.

    Northern Samaria: Attempted ramming attack. One civilian lightly wounded; driver escaped.

    Jerusalem: Stabbing attack on Jaffa Road. Two Palestinian teens (female, age 14 and 16, from Qalandia, in northern Jerusalem) attacked passers-by with scissors, wounding an elderly (70) Palestinian man. Security forces shot and killed one assailant and wounded the second. A security guard was lightly wounded by shrapnel from gunfire used against the attackers. The terrorist who was killed was the sister of a terrorist who was killed by IDF forces in 2013.


    November 22 

    Gush Etzion junction: Hadar Buchris (21) was stabbed to death by a terrorist (34, from Beit Fajar near Bethlehem), who was shot and killed by security forces.

    Kfar Adumim: Attempted ramming/stabbing attack. A Palestinian taxi driver rammed his car into an Israeli car on Route 1, by Kfar Adumim junction. . He then got out of the car and stabbed the Israeli driver in the hand. A passenger in the Israeli car shot and killed the terrorist (32, from Ramallah).

    Samaria Brigade Junction: Stabbing attack foiled – A Palestinian (16, female from Nablus) pulled out a knife and charged at a young woman waiting at a bus stop. The assailant was spotted by a civilian driver (former Samaria Council head Gershon Mesika), who ran into her with his car to stop her. Security forces at the site shot the assailant, who died at the scene.


    November 21 

    Kiryat Gat: Four people wounded in a stabbing attack, including a 13-year-old girl (who called the police and stopped the bleeding by herself, until the ambulance arrived). The terrorist was apprehended after a five-hour manhunt. The terrorist (18, from Kfar Tapuah in Samaria) was in Israel illegally, working in Kiryat Gat.

    November 19 

    Tel Aviv: In a stabbing attack, one man (30) was killed and two others wounded moderately and critically, respectively. The terrorist was shot and apprehended. The attack occurred in a Tel Aviv synagogue during afternoon prayers.

    November 14

     Psagot (near Ramallah): Four Israelis were injured when a Palestinian driver collided with their car. A Palestinian motorist approached the entrance to Psagot in a car with Israeli license plates. When spotted by the security guard, he turned his car around and collided head-on with a vehicle coming from the other direction. The Palestinian driver died on the spot. A large knife was found in his car.

    November 13 

    Near Otniel, south of Hebron: Rabbi Ya'akov Litman (44) and his son, Netanel (18) were murdered in a drive-by shooting, while traveling to celebrate the Shabbat before the eldest daughter’s wedding [originally set for 17 November]. The rabbi’s wife and 4 other children in the vehicle were lightly wounded. Security forces arrested the terrorist responsible.


    November 12 

    Bethlehem/Rachel's Tomb: Attempted stabbing attack on security forces; terrorist was captured.

    November 10 

    Jerusalem, Pisgat Zeev: Two young Arabs (ages 11 & 14) stabbed and moderately wounded a light-rail security guard. The two attackers were apprehended;  the 11-year-old was shot and critically wounded


    Jerusalem, Damascus Gate: A terrorist attacked security forces with a knife and was killed.


    Bethlehem/Abu Dis: Attempted stabbing attack on security forces; terrorist was killed.

    November 9: 

    Near Alfei Menashe, northern Samaria: Attempted stabbing by a Palestinian woman. She was shot and killed by security forces.

    November 8

    Tapuah Junction (Samaria): Four Israelis were wounded in a car-ramming terror attack directed at a group of people at a hithchhiking stop. The injured include a pregnant woman lightly injured and two in serious condition (one still in intensive care on 9 Nov). The attacker (22, from Ramallah) was shot and killed by security forces.

     Beitar Ilit (south of Jerusalem): A civilian security guard was lightly wounded in a stabbing attack. The assailant, a Palestinian woman, was shot and wounded. (see Jpost article and video)

    Near Alfei Menashe, northern Samaria: An Israeli man (40) was seriously injured in a stabbing attack in the Palestinian village of Nabi Ilyas, when he stopped to shop at a stall. Two assailants (from Qalqilya) turned themselves in to Palestinian security forces.

    November 6

    Sha’ar Binyamin (commercial center north of Jerusalem): An Israeli was injured in a stabbing attack.


    Hebron: Two teens, aged 16 and 18, were injured – one seriously – in a shooting attack near the Tomb of the Patriarchs. A short time later, an Israeli soldier was severely injured in a shooting attack at the Beit Anun junction north of Hebron. The assailant (16, from the village of Bani Naim) was apprehended.


    November 5

    Gush Etzion: Attempted stabbing attack. Assailant shot on site.


    November 4

    Hebron area: A Border Police officer, St.-Sgt. Binyamin Yakobovitch (19) was critically injured in a ramming attack; he died of his wounds on 8 November. Another officer was lightly injured in the attack. The terrorist was shot dead at the scene by security forces.

    November 2 

    Jalameh (Gilboa) crossingnear Afula: Attempted stabbing attack on IDF soldiers. One attacker was shot and killed, and a second one apprehended.


    Rishon Lezion: Three Israelis were injured, two seriously and one lightly, in a stabbing attack near the central bus station. The attacker (19, from Hebron) was apprehended

    Netanya (coastal city north of Tel Aviv): A 70-year-old man was stabbed and is in serious condition. The attacker (22, from Tulkarem area) was wounded and apprehended by security forces.​

    November 1

    Kiryat Arba/Hebron: Attempted stabbing attack of IDF soldier during a violent riot. Assailant shot and killed.


    North of Kiryat Arba/Hebron: Three Border Police officers were injured in a vehicle ramming attack, one officer moderately and the other two lightly. The driver fled the scene and later turned himself in to the DCL in Hebron; he is being questioned.



    October 31 

    Jalameh (Gilboa) checkpoint, near Afula: Knifing attack foiled by security forces. The attacker was shot and killed. The checkpoint has been closed.


    October 30

    Jerusalem: 2 Israeli civilians injured in stabbing attack. Assailant shot on site.


    Tapuah Junction, Samaria (West Bank): Attempted stabbing of Border Police officers at Tapuah Junction. Attackers shot on site.  

    October 29
    Hebron: Terrorist stabs and lightly injures soldier near the Tomb of the Patriarchs. Terrorist was shot and killed. Later a Palestinian attempted to stab an IDF soldier in the Beit Hadassah neighborhood. Assailant was shot on site.

    October 28
    Gush Etzion Junction: A woman was stabbed in the back, moderately wounded, outside the Rami Levy supermarket. The assailant was apprehended.

    Earlier, a Palestinian who attempted to stab an IDF soldier near the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron was shot and killed by security forces.

    October 27
    Gush Etzion JunctionIDF soldier moderately wounded in stabbing attack. Two assailants shot on site.

    Jerusalem: Terror attack foiled - two Arabs (17 & 16) from eastern Jerusalem armed with an axe and a knife were arrested in the center of town (Kikar Tzahal).

    October 26
    Hebron: IDF soldier stabbed, seriously wounded in the morning north of Hebron. Assailant shot on site. A second attempted stabbing of an IDF soldier outside the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron in the afternoon was thwarted. The assailant (19) was shot.

    October 25
    Metzad (Gush Etzion bloc): Man (58) moderately wounded in stabbing attack after his car was stoned. 

    Hebron: Female Arab terrorist (17) attempted to stab border policeman with knife. Officer shot the terrorist, who later died of wounds.

    Ariel junction (Samaria): Israeli man (25) waiting for a ride was stabbed by terrorist who fled the scene and was later apprehended.

    October 24
    Gilboa (Jalama) crossing, north of Jenin in the West Bank: A young Palestinian (16) posing as a sweets vendor tried to stab a security guard and was shot and killed. 

    October 23
    Gush Etzion:  IDF soldier injured in stabbing attack. Assailant shot on site.

    Beit El (north of Jerusalem): Israeli couple and their three young children wounded in a firebombing attack on their car.

    October 22
    Bet Shemesh: Yeshiva student (18) moderately injured in stabbing attack at bus stop near a synagogue. Two terrorists (21) from the Hebron area armed with knives tried to board a school bus full of children. They were shot and killed by police.

    October 21
    Yitzhar (Samaria): Attack foiled when security forces noticed a young woman (15) approaching the gate armed with a knife. The woman was shot and apprehended.

    Ofra (north of Jerusalem): An Israeli policeman was mildly injured in an apparent car-ramming attack when the driver crashed into a checkpoint, ignoring police warnings to stop. The driver fled.

    Adam junction (north of Jerusalem): Female soldier critically wounded in stabbing attack. Terrorist killed by IDF forces.

    Maale Adumim (east of Jerusalem): Attack foiled when security forces found home-made explosive devices in a car. Two Palestinians were arrested.

    Beit Ummar (north of Hebron): Five soldiers injured - after their vehicle was stoned, the soldiers got out to arrest the stone-throwers and were rammed by a Palestinian car. The attacking driver was shot and seriously wounded.

    October 20
    South of Hebron (Al Fawar junction)Avraham Hasno (54) of Kiryat Arba run over and killed by truck after his vehicle was stoned. Earlier, an IDF officer was lightly injured in stabbing attack in Hebron.

    Gush Etzion junction: Two lightly wounded in car-ramming attack at bus stop at the Gush Etzion junction. The terrorist then drew his knife before he was shot and killed.

    October 18
    Beer Sheva: IDF soldier Sgt. Omri Levy (19) killed and 10 civillians and police officers wounded when a terrorist armed with a knife and a pistol entered the central bus station, shot the soldier, grabbed his gun and started shooting. Police officers shot and killed the terrorist, an Israeli Arab (21) from the Bedouin town of Hura. An Eritrean asylum seeker, Habtom Zerhom (29), who was mistaken for a second terrorist and shot by a security guard, died of his wounds.

    October 17
    Jerusalem (Armon Hanatziv neighborhood): Terrorist (16, from Jabel Mukaber) tried to stab Border Police officers; one of the officers shot and killed him.

    Hebron: Three separate attacks: (1) Palestinian tried to stab a civilian walking back from morning prayers; the civilian shot and killed the terrorist with his personal firearm. (2) Palestinian woman (16) stabbed and lightly wounded a female Border Police officer, who shot and killed her. (3) Terrorist (18) from Hebron, stabbed and moderately wounded an IDF soldier at Police checkpoint. Second soldier shot and critically wounded attacker. 

    Kalandiya checkpoint (north of Jerualem): Terrorist tried to stab police officer, and was shot in lower body; then tried to stab a bomb squad officer. Another officer shot and killed him.

    tober 16
    Nablus: Joseph's tomb, a Jewish holy site, set on fire overnight by Palestinian rioters.

    Jerusalem: Border Policeman foiled possible terror attack after detecting explosive device at a checkpoint at east Jerusalem's Issawiya neighborhood, near the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus.

    Hebron (Zayit junction outside Kiryat Arba): Palestinian terrorist disguised as a photojournalist stabbed and moderately wounded an IDF soldier. A second soldier shot and killed him.

    October 14
    Jerusalem: Attack foiled by Border Police. Officers who boarded a bus full of passengers discovered a knife hidden under a seat. The owner of the knife had boarded the bus with a young child in his arms to allay suspicion.

    Jerusalem, Damascus Gate at the Old City: Terrorist (19) from Hebron lightly injured two people before being shot and killed by the security forces.

    Jerusalem: Woman (72) stabbed and injured while waiting for a bus at the Central Bus Station. Terrorist shot and killed.

    October 13
    Raanana (northeast of Tel Aviv): Two stabbing attacks in the morning, an hour apart: The first at a bus stop in the center of town, in which a man (32) suffered light wounds; the attacker (22, from eastern Jerusalem) was subdued by passers-by and held until the police arrived. The second attack resulted in one seriously wounded and three lightly wounded; the terrorist (a construction worker at nearby Beit Levinstein) was arrested. 

    Jerusalem: Two terrorists, both residents of the adjacent Jabel Mukaber neighborhood, boarded an Egged bus in East Talpiot in southern Jerusalem, one armed with a gun and the other with a knife. Chaim Haviv, 78, and Alon Govberg, 51, were killed, and 15 wounded, several seriously. One terrorist killed by police, second apprehended. Richard Lakin, 76, who was shot in the head and stabbed in the chest, succumbed to his wounds on October 27.

    Makor Baruch, a religious neighborhoodRabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky,59, of Jerusalem was killed and five wounded. The terrorist, who was apprehended, is a resident of the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood who holds Israeli citizenship, was an employee of Israeli phone company Bezeq, and was using a company car to commit the attack.

    Hamas praised the attacks, saying they are "a message to anyone who harms our holy places."

    October 12
    Jerusalem: Stabbing attack foiled at Lion's Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City. Terrorist (18, from eastern Jerusalem) was shot and killed.

    Jerusalem (Ammunition Hill, northern Jerusalem): Border policeman was stabbed and lightly  injured by a female terrorist (16). The officer managed to shoot and stop her, and she was evacuated to hospital. 

    Jerusalem (Pisgat Zeev in northern Jerusalem): Two terrorists (both teenagers) stabbed and seriously wounded a man (25) and a boy (13) riding his bicycle. Police shot and killed one terrorist and apprehended the second. The boy is in critical condition.

    Jerusalem (8:30 pm near entrance to city): Terrorist on bus stabbed a soldier (19) and tried to grab his gun. After a struggle, the terrorist was shot and killed by a police officer. 

    October 11
    Maaleh Adumim-Jerusalem highway: Police officer lightly injured when he pulled over a driver acting suspiciously, and the (female) driver set off an explosive device. Gas canisters were later found in the vehicle.The terrorist was seriously wounded.

    October 10
    Jerusalem (Sabbath morning): Arab (16) stabbed two Jewish men in their 60s near Damascus Gate, leaving them moderately and lightly wounded, respectively. The terrorist then attacked Border Police officers, who shot and killed him.
    Jerusalem (near Damascus Gate): Palestinian (19, from Shuafat) stabbed two police officers. Nearby police shot and killed him, and accidently wounded a third officer. Officers in serious-to-moderate condition. 

    October 9
    Jerusalem (Shmuel HaNavi St.): Jewish boy (16) was beaten and stabbed and lightly injured. Attacker (18, from Hebron in West Bank) was later apprehended by police.
    Kiryat Arba: Terrorist stabbed a police officer (47) and tried to grab his gun. Other officers shot him.

    October 8
    Tel Aviv: Female soldier and three others stabbed. Terrorist was shot and killed.
    Jerusalem: A yeshiva student (25) was seriously injured and another man lightly injured in stabbing attack near the light rail. Terrorist (age 19) arrested.

    Kiryat Arba (Jewish town near Hebron, south of Jerusalem): Man seriously wounded in stabbing attack. Victim evacuated to Jerusalem hospital. Terrorist escaped.
    Afula (town in Galilee): A soldier was wounded in stabbing attack. The terrorist was apprehended soon after.​
    October 7
    Petach Tikva: Knife attack at shopping mall wounded one man. The knife broke, preventing further victims. Bystanders apprehended the terrorist.
    Jerusalem: A Palestinian woman (18) stabbed a 36-year-old Jewish man at Lion’s Gate of the Old City. The victim, moderately wounded, shot and wounded the terrorist.
    Kiryat Gat (southeast of Tel Aviv): A terrorist stabbed an IDF soldier and snatched his gun, then ran into a nearby apartment, where a woman was just returning home. She fought with him and managed to flee. The terrorist was killed by police.

    October 4
    Jerusalem: Moshe Malka (15) was stabbed and wounded on his way to prayers at the Western Wall. Terrorist was shot dead by security forces.

    October 3
    Jerusalem: Two killed in stabbing attack near Lion’s Gate. Aharon Banita-Bennet (22) was stabbed to death on the way to the Western Wall in the Old City on Saturday evening with his wife and two young children. His wife and two-year-old son were wounded. Rabbi Nehemia Lavi (father of seven), who came to the aid of the Banita-Bennett family, was attacked and stabbed to death. Police shot and killed the attacker.

    October 1      
    Near Nablus in Samaria: Rabbi Eitam Henkin (31) and wife Naama (30) murdered in a drive-by shooting while traveling with their four young children (aged 9, 7, 4, and 9 months). Security forces arrested members of Hamas cell responsible.