Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    President Rivlin marks day of Israel-India cooperation

    President Rivlin: The agreements signed today, mark a new step in the growing partnership between our two countries. They show that together, we are much stronger, wiser, better.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with the foreign ministers of Romania and New Zealand

    PM Netanyahu showed FM McCully a map of the challenges facing Israel and emphasized that any diplomatic progress between Israel and the Palestinians would be the product of direct negotiations on the basis of the principle of two states for two peoples.
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    President Rivlin begins official state visit to India

    President Rivlin: I am hopeful that my visit will serve to deepen the ties between us and this wonderful people, with whom we have so much in common.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the General Assembly of the JFNA

    ​I look forward to working with President-Elect Trump when he becomes President to further the twin interests of peace and security. These are interests of Israel and the United States but they'll be achieved by direct negotiations without preconditions.
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    President and First Lady Rivlin hosted at State Dinner by Indian President Mukherjee

    President Rivlin: Next year we will mark 25 of our diplomatic relations. But I am more interested in what we can achieve in the next 25 years. Our two nations have changed the world before; it is time to do it again, together.
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    President Rivlin meets Indian PM Narendra Modi

    President Rivlin: Israel and India are threatened by terror, because we uphold the values of freedom. Nothing can justify terror. Terror is terror is terror. We stand together, with the whole free world in defending our peoples, and our values.
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    President Rivlin departs on State Visit to India

    President Rivlin: “India is an important ally and close friend of Israel. This visit is a sign of the strong relations and friendship between our peoples, and I hope will plant the seeds for that friendship to grow closer and closer.”
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    President Rivlin welcomes Prime Minister Medvedev of Russia

    President Rivlin: As we mark 25 years since the renewal of relations between us, your visit here is also an important opportunity to discuss the close ties between our peoples, and I am looking forward to our meeting today with you and your delegation.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Russian PM Medvedev

    PM Netanyahu: We are determined to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons and from establishing itself militarily in Syria. We are also determined to prevent it from establishing Shiite militias and arming Hezbollah with dangerous weapons.
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    President Rivlin inaugurates memorial events for late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin

    We must internalize that we have no other country beside this great land, and we have no other people beside this great nation; and we have no other way to build this state but as a Jewish and democratic State.
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    PM Netanyahu’s statement on US election results

    PM Netanyahu: President-elect Trump is a true friend of the State of Israel, and I look forward to working with him to advance security, stability and peace in our region.
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    PM Netanyahu Speaks with US President-elect Trump

    The two leaders had a warm and heartfelt conversation. They also discussed regional issues. President-elect Trump invited Prime Minister Netanyahu to a meeting in the United States at the first opportunity.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with Hillary Clinton

    President Rivlin comments on the election of Donald Trump

    There are many challenges that lie before you as president - at home and around the world. Israel, your greatest ally, stands by you as your friend and partner in turning those challenges into opportunities.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Israel’s ambassador to UNESCO

    Ambassador Shama-Hacohen will return to Paris in the coming days to continue his exchanges with UNESCO's Director General, during which he will reveal the steps that were formulated in Jerusalem to restore proper relations between UNESCO and Israel.
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