Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    2020 RECAP

    In Case You Missed It, Here's Our 2020!
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    Design Your Own Chocolate Coin Challenge!

    This Hanukkah, we are proud to announce the DESIGN YOUR OWN CHOCOLATE COIN CHALLENEGE, where we are letting you design and decide on our annual chocolate coin! The winning design will be turned into the Embassy's official holiday coins.
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    25 Years in Memory of Yitzhak Rabin z''l

    Please join us in honoring the memory of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
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    35 Years of US-Israel Free Trade Agreement

    This month we celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the US-Israel Free Trade Agreement. Click to learn more about the US-Israel trade relationship!
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    Ancient two-shekal weight discovered in Jerusalem

    The accuracy of the weight attests to advanced technological skills as well as to the weight given to precise trade and commerce in ancient Jerusalem. Coins were not yet in use, therefore accuracy of the weights played a significant role in business.
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    PM Netanyahu's Speech at Abraham Accords Signing

    PM Netanyahu: The people of Israel well know the price of war. And this is why I am so deeply moved to be here today. For those who bear the wounds of war cherish the blessings of peace.
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    Israeli and US delegations arrive in the UAE

    M. Ben-Shabbat: By coming to establish relations between Israel and the UAE, we draw inspiration from Abraham, our common patriarch, and forge a new path: A brave path, of hope, partnership, brotherhood, prosperity and peace.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Secretary of State Pompeo

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, yesterday (Monday, 24 August 2020), at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
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    Israel announces full & formal peace with UAE

    PM Netanyahu: This is the greatest advancement toward peace between Israel and the Arab world in the last 26 years and it marks the third formal peace between Israel and an Arab nation.
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    Chemistry Team Medals at International Competition

    Israel’s Chemistry Team that was trained at the Technion has been awarded a gold medal, two silver medals and a bronze medal at the International Chemistry Olympiad, which recently took place online due to COVID-19.
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    Israel offers humanitarian aid to Lebanon

    The offer was made via international security and diplomatic channels following the devastating explosion in Beirut.
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    2,700-year-old storage center uncovered

    Over 120 seal impressions stamped on jars found in excavations in Jerusalem provide a glimpse into tax collection in the period of the Judean monarchs.
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    Celebration of Israel's 72nd Independence Day

    ​Celebrate Israel’s 72nd Independence Day with us!
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    Yom Haazmaut Sameach!

    Yom Haazmaut Sameach from all of us at the Embassy of Israel!
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    Yom HaZikaron 2020 Full Ceremony

    Click here to watch the Embassy's full Yom HaZikaron ceremony recording.
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