PM Netanyahu meets with US Secretary of State Pompeo

PM Netanyahu meets with Secretary of State Pompeo

  •   PM Netanyahu: The Israeli-UAE peace agreement is an alliance of the moderates against the radicals. Against those who use violence and aggression to further their aims. It spells a change in the Middle East. ​​
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    PM Netanyahu with with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo PM Netanyahu with with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, yesterday (Monday, 24 August 2020), at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Following are the Prime Minister's remarks at the joint statements after the meeting:
    "Secretary Pompeo, our wonderful friend Mike, it's good to see you back in Jerusalem. I counted and I think this is our twelfth meeting since you became Secretary of State. This doesn't include dozens and dozens of telephone calls. We have met here in Jerusalem and in Washington and in so many places in between but every meeting was characterized by that same powerful alliance of values that has informed your activity, and the activity of the Trump administration, that cements even further the historic American-Israeli alliance.
    “I want to thank you, I want to thank the President, for all that you have done for Israel's security and everything that you are doing to solidify this friendship. There are two great things that have happened since our last meeting. The first is that you have stood up to Iran's aggression and triggered the snapback sanctions. I want to commend you for doing so. I think that people should realize that the Iran deal failed just as we predicted. Not only did it not mollify Iran's aggression, it fueled it, it increased it. And we've seen Iran, since the JCPOA was concluded, emerging from its cage and devouring one country after another, targeting countries with rockets, with terrorism, pillage and plunder and murder all over the Middle East and even beyond the Middle East, including into your hemisphere. In fact, to see the Security Council not only not join the American snapback sanctions but resist it or stand on the sidelines and [not] allow this embargo on Iranian arms shipments to Iran to agree to it I think is outrageous. That means that this regime will get tanks, and aircraft, and missiles and anti-aircraft defenses to continue its campaign of aggression throughout the region and the world. It's just absurd. I want to congratulate you for standing there. We stand with you. Quite a few years ago I had to stand sometimes alone in publicly rejecting the JCPOA and alerting the world on Iran's aggression. That obviously changed with the inauguration of President Trump and everything that you have done since. It's important to point out that today we hear countries in the Gulf, speak out as forcefully as I am doing now. I would suggest to our friends, especially our European friends, this point: that when Arabs and Israelis agree on something it makes sense to pay attention. So congratulations on the stand, on the snapback and on your overall opposition to Iran's aggression and its quest for nuclear weapons.
    “The second thing that has happened is equally historic and that is the achievement of the Israeli-Emirati peace agreement. The creation of full normalization between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. This has been brokered by President Trump, with your assistance, and it has been a boon to peace and to regional stability. I think it heralds a new era where we could have other nations join. We discussed this and I hope we will have good news in the future. Maybe in the near future.
    “We have two of the most advanced economies in the world brimming with innovation, Israel and the UAE. It's a natural fit and the support of the United States makes this I think something with international ramifications. This is the alliance of the moderates against the radicals. Against those who use violence and aggression to further their aims. Against those who believe that we can offer a better future for our people through cooperation. It spells a change in the Middle East. It's the first time in a quarter of a century that we have a peace agreement. I want to thank again the President, and you and your administration for helping to bring it about.
    “I have to say simply that this deal did not include Israel's acceptance of any arms deal and I don't know of any arms deal that has been agreed upon. It may be contemplated. Our position hasn't changed. I heard again from Secretary Pompeo a very strong commitment that under all circumstances the United States will ensure Israel's qualitative edge. That has been proven to be true over four decades of peace with Egypt, two-and-a-half decades of peace with Jordan. The United States stood by that commitment and I have no doubt that it will continue to do so. So Mike I want to thank you for your friendship, for your support in the quest for peace and security which we are actually achieving. Thank you and welcome."
    Prime Minister Netanyahu added:
    "The Secretary spoke about cooperation in COVID. We just had an interesting discussion about that. The United States is obviously leading the world in this effort. Israel is making its own effort. We are exploring now the possibility of combining our efforts. Joining in ways to find both a vaccine and other ways to alleviate this horrible disease. In this, as in any other field, we have no better friends than the United States of America. Thank you, Mr. Secretary."​