Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Foreign Ministry statement about Paris murder

    Israel welcomes the determined, unequivocal stand of the president of France and the French Establishment, which condemned the murder and expressed complete commitment to the fight against antisemitism.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with German FM Heiko Maas

    Israel shares common values and common interests with many in the region—that is to prevent the nuclearization of Iran, to prevent, to stop the flow of Iran aggression, which is like a tsunami in our region, and of course to fight terrorism.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with French FM Jean-Yves Le Drian

    The foremost terrorist-sponsoring regime in the world, in our region and beyond is Iran. We have to roll back its aggression, and it is vast, and we must ensure that Iran does not acquire nuclear weapons.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    The American Congress has passed the Taylor Force Act, which is designed to deny the Palestinian Authority hundreds of millions of dollars that they invest in encouraging terrorism. This is a very powerful signal from the US which is changing the rules.
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    PM Netanyahu condemns terrorist attack in France

    I condemn the vicious terrorist attack that took place in France. The civilized world must unite and act together to defeat terror.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Bulgarian President Radev

    PM Netanyahu told President Radev that Iran threatens not only the Middle East but the entire world and that Iran had to be prevented from acquiring nuclear weapons. They also discussed advancing bilateral cooperation in technology, innovation and trade.
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    Bulgarian President Radev visits National Cyber Directorate in Be'er Sheva

    The visit was the first by a foreign head of state to the national CERT and the cyber park and constitutes a milestone vis-à-vis Be'er Sheva's role as the cyber capital of Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Cypriot FM Nikos Christodoulides

    The two discussed regional developments and the strengthening of bilateral ties in energy and emergency situations.
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    Air India to inaugurate new route to Israel

    In cooperation with the Tourism Ministry, India’s national carrier, Air India, will land in Israel tomorrow for the first time.
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    PM Netanyahu statement on 2007 Deir ez-Zor operation

    PM Netanyahu: “Israel's policy has been and remains consistent – to prevent our enemies from arming themselves with nuclear weapons."
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    PM Netanyahu addresses 8th Negev Conference

    Israel is surrounded by outposts of radical Islam; therefore, we need to safeguard our borders. We have completed a major endeavor: Building a fence along the border with Sinai. At the same time we are making a major investment in infrastructures.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel

    PM Netanyahu congratulated Chancellor Merkel on forming a government. The two agreed that the traditional G2G meeting would be held in the coming months in Jerusalem.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    I would like to deliver a message to anyone who tries to attack our citizens. The equation is simple: Whoever tries to hurt us–we will hurt them. Israel will not tolerate any attempt to attack us. We will take determined action in order to prevent this.
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    PM Netanyahu congratulates Russian President Vladimir Putin

    PM Netanyahu: “I greatly value our personal dialogue and I look forward to continuing to work closely together in the spirit of trust and understanding to promote our countries’ vital interests.”
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    PM Netanyahu comments on destruction of two Gaza terrorist tunnels

    Our policy is to take determined action against any attempt to attack us and to systematically eliminate the infrastructure of terrorist tunnels and thus we will continue.
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