PM Netanyahu statement on Deir ez-Zor operation 21 March 2018

PM Netanyahu statement on 2007 Deir ez-Zor operation

    PM Netanyahu: “Israel's policy has been and remains consistent – to prevent our enemies from arming themselves with nuclear weapons."
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive) Copyright: GPO
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Wednesday, 21 March 2018), issued the following statement on the 5-6 September 2007 Deir ez-Zor operation:
    "The Government of Israel, the IDF and the Mossad prevented Syria from developing a nuclear capability. For this they are deserving of all praise. Israel's policy has been and remains consistent – to prevent our enemies from arming themselves with nuclear weapons."