Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    70th Independence Day reception for the Diplomatic Corps held at the President’s Residence

    PM Netanyahu: Iran is the enemy of us all – of Israel, the Arab world, Civilization. If history has taught us anything, it is that a murderous tyranny must be opposed in the beginning. Stop bad things in the beginning.
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    PM Netanyahu attends Keren Hayesod-UIA Annual World Conference

    Every citizen of Israel should know that Keren Hayesod has been working on behalf of Zionism and the Jewish state for decades, achieving enormous successes in every major realm of endeavor that defines the future of our society and our people.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    Israel fully supports President Trump's decision to act against the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Israel welcomes the participation of British Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emanuel Macron in this action.
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    PM Netanyahu's statement regarding attack in Syria

    It should be clear to President Assad that his reckless efforts to acquire and use weapons of mass destruction, his wanton disregard for international law and his provision of a forward base for Iran and its proxies endanger Syria.
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    Israel welcomes the Honduran decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem

    Prime Minister Netanyahu and Honduran President Hernández are expected to talk in the near future.
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    Irish ambassador summoned to the MFA

    The Government of Israel expects an official public response from the Government of Ireland with regard to the conduct of the both the Dublin city council and of the lord mayor, who are waging a campaign of hatred and discrimination against Israel.
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    President Rivlin addresses March of the Living ceremony in Poland

    We shall always remember the amazing goodness of the thousands of men and women who risked their own lives in order to save others. We shall always remember the horrifying, human evil of the Nazis, and their collaborators from all nations.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with Russian President Putin

    PM Netanyahu reiterated that Israel will not allow Iran to establish a military presence in Syria.
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    Ambassador Ruth Kahanoff chosen to light a torch at the ceremony marking Israel’s 70th anniversary

    Ambassador Kahanoff has extensive diplomatic experience and has made a significant impact on Israel's foreign relations.
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    Israel strongly condemns the chemical weapons attack by Syria

    This is one in a long series of attacks perpetrated by the regime since Assad undertook to disarm from such weapons and clearly shows that Syria continues to possess lethal chemical weapons capabilities and even the capability to manufacture new ones.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with Hungarian PM Viktor Orban

    Prime Minister Netanyahu invited his Hungarian counterpart to visit Israel and thanked him for Hungary's support for Israel in international forums.
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    PM Netanyahu praises the IDF and the ISA

    This is proof of the true intentions of the terrorist organizations in Gaza. The entire goal of the organized provocations on the security fence is to provide cover for terrorists to carry out acts of terrorism against the State of Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with Greek PM Tsipras and Cypriot Pres. Anastasiades

    Among the issues discussed were advancing the feasibility study for laying a gas pipeline from Israel to Cyprus and from there to Greece and Western Europe.
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    PM Netanyahu speaks with US President Donald Trump

    PM Netanyahu thanked President Trump for his commitment to Israel's security and America's support for Israel at the United Nations.
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    Israel reaches unprecedented common understanding with UNHCR

    In light of this understanding, there is no longer a need to continue the policy of forced departure to third countries during the implementation of the new framework.
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