Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    Elie Rekhess

    The Arab Minorities in Israel; Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel; Political and Fundamentalist Islam; Israeli National Identity; Israel as a "Jewish and Democratic State."
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    Larry Rich

    Israel at Eye-Level, through the Prism of a Medical Institution
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    Einat Wilf

    Israel and the Arab Spring; How to Break the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse; Israel's Political Shift Inward; Women's Role in Middle East Peace; Saving Public Education in Israel; How Concentration of Wealth Hold Israel's Economy Hostage
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    Itzhak Brook

    The Yom Kippur War, A battalion physician’s experience of a war that shaped Israel and the Middle East.
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    Moran Stern

    Israeli politics, society, security, Judaism, the Middle East, Turkey, and U.S.-Israel relations
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    Erga Atad

    Global media, political communication, Israeli mass media and media effects
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    Zeev Ben-Shachar

    Arab-Israeli Conflict and Arab Spring; Israel in the Media; Israel Advocacy; Education in Israel
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    D Gershon Lewental

    Nationalism and Religion in the Middle East; Arab-Israeli Conflict; Radical Islam; Israeli Society and Politics; Islamic History; The Baha’i Faith
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    Sariel Birnbaum

    Image of the Jew in Arab Cinema; Revolutions in the Arab World; Cinema Predicting Revolutions in the Arab World and beyond; Image of the Jew in World Cinema; PLO, Hamas and their historical narrative
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    Uriel Abulof

    Ethnic Conflict, Nationalism and Democratization; Nuclear Proliferation
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    Haya Bar-Itzhak

    Jewish folk literature with an emphasis on the ethnographic and poetic aspects
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    Assaf Gavron

    Hebrew Literature, Film and Television
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    Ben Mor

    International Relations; Peace and Conflict Management; Public diplomacy, rhetorical bargaining, and crisis decision-making
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    Noam Shoval

    Urban Geography; Social Segregation in Jerusalem
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    Rakefet Zalashik

    History of psychiatry in Israel, Palestine and Germany; Immigrant absorption and the integration of Holocaust survivors into Israeli society; Mental health and gender; Israeli identity formation
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