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Israel Elections 2013

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    President Peres Votes President Peres Votes Copyright: GPO
    Lapid_Netanyahu_Sub.jpgMore than 3.7 million Israelis voted in the Israeli national elections held Jan. 22, 2013.  66.6% of eligible voters have cast their ballots, as opposed to 65.2% in the 2009 elections.

    The election results show a tie between the right and center-left blocs in the Knesset, giving each bloc 60 seats. 

    PM Netanyahu's two-party bloc Likud Beytenu won 31 seats (compared to 42 seats in the former Knesset). Yesh Atid, a new party founded by Yair Lapid, a prominent media personality, won 19 seats. The Labor party, led by Shelly Yachimovitch, won 15 seats (compared to 13 seats in the former Knesset).

    Prime Minister Netanyahu offered to form a broad coalition with Yesh Atid as its main coalition partner, along with the Likud party's natural right-wing partners. 

    In a speech late Tuesday night, Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a speech to his supporters: "I'm proud to be your prime minister. I thank you for giving me a chance, for the third time, to lead the State of Israel. It is a great privilege and a great responsibility."

    "This is an opportunity to effect the kind of change the Israeli people are waiting for, one that will serve the people as a whole... we need to form the broadest government possible. And I have started doing that tonight." Netanyahu said.

    Elections Results (99% of the tally):

    Likud Beytenu: 31
    Yesh Atid (Yair Lapid): 19
    Labor: 15
    HaBayit HaYehidu: 12
    Shas: 11
    Meretz: 6
    Hatnuah (Tzipi Livni): 6
    Yahadut HaTorah: 7
    Hadash: 4
    Ra'am Ta'al: 4
    Balad: 3
    Kadima: 2

    More updates and analysis on the elections aftermath:

    Official elections results: The Central Elections Committee's website (Hebrew).

    General information about the Israeli elections:
    > A guide for Elections in Israel.
    > A short comparison of the Israeli and US electoral systems​

    Israel Elections 2013
    Jan. 22, 2013

    Major exit polls results, published by the three major Israeli TV 
    news channels:

    Likud Beytenu: 31
    Yesh Atid (Yair Lapid): 18-19
    Labor: 17​
    HaBayit HaYehidu: 12
    Shas: 11-13
    Meretz: 6-7
    Hatnuah (Tzipi Livni): 6-7
    Yahadut HaTorah: 6
    Hadash: 3-5 
    Ra'am Ta'al: 3-4
    Balad: 2

    Earlier today (January 22, 2013) President Peres cast his ballot in Jerusalem. Peres said in a statement: "In 65 years of existence Israel went through seven wars but never lost its democratic freedom. We fought for our survival but never gave up our democracy. Today the state is asking citizens to vote for a free, beautiful, democratic country. You can hesitate over who to vote for, but don't hesitate to vote I wish all the candidates good luck."

    Peres Votes.JPG
    ( President Shimon Peres, voted in the elections for Israel's 19th Knesset. Photo by: Moshe Milner/GPO

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cast his vote earlier this morning in Jerusalem. PM Netanyahu visited the ​Western Wall in Jerusalem, and asked for success in today's elections.
  • A Guide to Israeli Elections

    Elections in Israel are based on nationwide proportional representation. The Knesset is elected directly by the voters who vote for a party, The Knesset is elected for a four-year term, although most governments have not served a full term and early elections are a frequent occurrence. Israel has a multi-party system based on coalition governments as no party has ever won a majority of seats in a national election. 

    The upcoming elections will determine the composition of the 19th Knesset, Israel’s parliament. 34 parties will compete in the election. 

    > A guide for Elections in Israel.
  • Parties Competing in the 2013 Israel Elections

    34 parties are competing in the upcoming Israeli national elections to be held on Tuesday, January 22, 2013.  Elections to the Knesset are based on a vote for a party rather than for individuals, and the entire country constitutes a single electoral constituency. 

    The 120 Knesset seats are assigned in proportion to each party's percentage of the total national vote. However, the minimum required for a party to win a Knesset seat is 2% of the total votes cast.​​

    2013 Israel Elections | Israeli Elections

  • More On the Upcoming Elections