Israel Elections 2013 | A new Facebook app encourages Israelis to vote

A new Facebook app encourages Israelis to vote

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    Peres Facebook App for Elections Peres Facebook App for Elections
    Peres Facebook App.jpg

    ​President Shimon Peres launched Sunday January 6, an online campaign to encourage voting for the 19th Knesset.

    The new campaign, entitled "Voter brings a Friend" (Bocher Mavi Chaver in Hebrew) includes a video and unique Facebook application. In the video, Peres and actor Eyal Kitzis  highlight the importance of voting in Israel's elections and call upon the citizens of Israel from across the political spectrum to get out and vote irrespective of their political beliefs. 

    The Facebook app​ allows users to invite four friends to pledge that they are also going to vote on election day. The aim of the application is to mobilize voters to fulfill their democratic right to vote, but also to encourage social network users to invite additional friends to go out and vote. Social network users are generally younger and include many first time voters, so the campaign is directed mostly at them.

    The Campaign was launched at an event in the President's Residence on Sunday (January 6). President Peres and the Chairperson of the Central Elections Committee, Judge Elyakim Rubinstein, called upon all Israeli's to use their right to vote in the upcoming elections.​
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