lecture on “Using the medical clown way in critical situations”.

“Using medical clown way in critical situations"

    ​The Embassy of Israel, in cooperation with Reaction Cyprus and the Ambulance Service of the Ministry of Health, organized a lecture on Using the medical clown way in critical situations.”
    The certified medical clown Avital Dvory, talked to rescuers and paramedics about the clowning technique and its therapeutic approaches.
    “Clown ability is the ability to go with the reality, not against it”, said Avital. “When someone is in a trauma situation you talk about it, not in a serious way, but in a grotesque way”.
    “Working with sick children, Avital said, is indeed very hard. You have to see with smiley eyes the healthy parts in sickness; the warrior within the sick child. Once you empower the child, you get the child connected to his/her inner strength”.

    At the end of the lecture Avital gave also some practical tips on transformation of common medical objects in order to make them more joyful for young patients.