Public Diplomacy Office

Public Diplomacy Office

    The Public Diplomacy Department deals with the following sectors: Academic Affairs, Cultural issues and Media & Public Relations.

    Academic Affairs

    The Public Diplomacy Department promotes the collaboration with the academic community, particularly through exchanges / hosting of experts and other scientists, and also through providing information on academic programs in Israeli Universities.

    Cultural Issues

    The Public Diplomacy Department has as main objective the promotion of Israeli artists, as well as the promotion of cultural cooperation between the two countries, in various forms of art.

    Here you can be updated on cultural events in Israel and on cultural happenings in Cyprus with the participation of Israeli artists, as well as on other opportunities for cultural cooperation.

    Media & Public Relations

    The Public Diplomacy Department acts as a source, for journalists and other people interested, in providing information and official statements on issues related to Israel, on economic, cultural and social topics, as well as on the current political developments in the Middle East.

    To this end, the Public Diplomacy Department distributes regular updates and press releases. Journalists are also welcome to contact the department in order to confirm or clarify information.

    Mrs Maria Hadjigeorgiou
    Telephone: 22 369507
    Mr Stelios Elia
    Telephone: 22 369523
