Yom Hazikaron 2022

Yom Hazikaron (Israel Memorial Day) 2022

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    יום הזיכרון 2022 יום הזיכרון 2022
    Beginning of Yom Hazikaron

    Tonight marks the beginning of Yom Hazikaron, Israel Memorial Day.

    Over the next 24 hours we will remember and pay our respects to the 28,284 Israelis whose lives were cut short by war and terror. 

    They died, so that we could live. 

    May their memory be a blessing.

    Ceremony at the Embassy

    A ceremony took place on Tuesday, 03 May at the Embassy of Israel in Nicosia, with over 100 Israelis joined us in honoring the 24,068 fallen soldiers and 4,216 victims of terrorism.

    "These individuals paid the ultimate sacrifice for the nation’s independence, sovereignty, and freedom. May they be remembered always and their families blessed," Ambassador Anolik said.

    The Ambassador also stressed that we were fortunate to be joined via Zoom by Mr. Sorin Hershko, who was severely wounded in Entebbe, Uganda, in 1976 as part of the heroic IDF operation to free Israeli passengers of a hijacked plane. Grateful that Sorin shared with us his amazing and onspiring personal story.