Women belong in all places where decisions are being made

Women belong in all places decisions are made

    "Women belong in all places where decisions are being made" - Ruth Bader Ginsburg, late American- Supreme court Justice

    By Deputy Chief of Mission Ms Noga Caspi

    Isn’t it time everyone recognize the obvious? Women belong in all places where decisions are being made!

    Cyprus and Israel are two Middle Eastern democratic countries with shared values as well as bilateral and regional interests. Though the national and cultural contexts may differ, women and communities in Israel and Cyprus have much in common and can gain from cooperation through sharing experiences and best practices. A joint Israeli-Cypriot women empowerment network, for example, could serve as a platform for such an exchange. Through partnerships we can focus on gender equality and gender mainstreaming. Furthermore, together with women from other like-minded countries in the region improvements can be achieved.

    Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has regarded women as an integral part of its security and policy structures. Israel is one of the only countries in the world in which mandatory conscription applies to both men and women. In the last years, there has been an increase of 20% in high ranking women in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Women are in command of 7 of the 32 detention facilities in Israel. The number of women police officers is increasing as well. 51% of the judges in Israel are women.

    Israel’s international involvement and contributions on the issue of women’s protection is a source of pride. Israel initiated a groundbreaking resolution on the prevention of sexual harassment at the workplace; it offers international training for developing nations on women’s empowerment and has laws on sexual harassment and domestic violence (Sadly, the percentage of domestic violence during the time of the COVID-19 rose dramatically in many countries). The legislation also protects the rights of women and guarantees equal opportunities. However, on the participation level, an honest overview reveals a mixed picture. We can be proud of the fact that Israeli women reach the top – Prime Minister (Golda Meir, 1969-74), ministers, party leaders, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, IDF general, Nobel Prize winner, CEOs of major companies, etc. A recent cabinet decision has set a goal that 50% of Israeli civil service most senior staff should be women (currently only 11% hold this rank). On the other hand, the Israeli ministerial cabinet is still predominately male. The Knesset, Israel’s parliament, elected March 2020, has 30 women of 120 Knesset members. There are also only 18 women ambassadors out of 103 Israeli heads of mission.

    There is still much more to do.

    Just before the closing of 2020, the Cyprus Council of Ministers approved the first five-year National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Security" that was adopted 20 years ago. The resolution urged Member States to increase the participation of women at all decision-making levels - national and international - in the sphere of peace and security. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus aims, as stated recently in an announcement, at “strengthening women's rights and promoting gender equality through the exercise of foreign policy and the establishment of relevant collaborations and synergies with other States”.

    Israel has demonstrated repeatedly its commitment to the Women, Peace and Security Agenda at all levels of society, and was the first country to implement parts of UNSCR 1325 in its national legislation.

    Protection is important, but we must not stop there. Twenty years after Res. 1325, it’s time to put an emphasis on participation. In the words of the late American Jew Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, "Women belong in all places where decisions are being made." Let this be our national and collective goal for the next years.

    As a woman-mother-diplomat, but mainly as a concerned citizen, I aspire to a future reality of equal rights and equal obligations for all. A world where gender is no longer an issue. We must accept human beings, diverse as they may be, as what they are, without stigmas and labels. When relevant decisions are being taken, respect for every aspect of our lives and qualities of the individuals should be addressed.