Visit by the Minister of Communications of Israel to Cyprus

Israel's Communications Minister visits Cyprus

    Israel and Cyprus signed a memorandum of understanding, aiming to reduce roaming charges in their respective coun​tries​​​​

    The Minister of Communications of Israel, Mr Ayoob Kara paid an official visit to Cyprus between 7-8 November 2018, where he met with the Minister of Transport, Communication and Works, Mr Marios Demetriades.

    The two Ministers exchanged views on technology matters and prospects regarding cooperation on 5G and optical fibers and signed a Memorandum of Cooperation between Cyprus and Israel on Telecommunications, aiming to reduce roaming charges in their respective countries. 

    The Israeli Minister expressed his satisfaction over the discussion on lower telecommunications costs, saying that this will help also other sectors, particularly tourism and trade.

    Mr Kara had the opportunity to meet also with President Mr Anastasiades, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Kasoulides and the President of DISI Mr Neophytou.