Twinning Municipalities of Pafos and Herzliya

Twinning Municipalities of Pafos and Herzliya

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     Copyright: Paphos Municipality
    The twinning between the Municipalities of Pafos and Herzliya of Israel highlights and enhances the existing friendly relations between the two countries, Acting President of the Republic and President of the House of Representatives Demetris Syllouris has said.
    In his address at the twinning ceremony, Demetris Syllouris said that the ceremony marks the successful conclusion of a significant initiative, both for Cyprus and Israel, given the extremely crucial circumstances our region is facing.
    The twinning itself highlights and enhances the existing friendly relations between our two countries, which are not limited to the governmental or the parliamentary level, but also spread to the municipal framework, he added.
    He noted that the continuous effort to further strengthen these relations is a result of our joint will, shared vision and common expectations.
    During the last years, he added, the deepening of the bilateral relations between Cyprus and Israel has also been reflected on a parliamentary level, and expressed his satisfaction with this.

    Syllouris said that twinnings are initiatives that are both valuable and necessary, as they create the essential circumstances to boost our cooperation further, beyond energy and tourism, also into youth, culture and new technologies, like the very possibilities the two municipalities explore now, given the knowledge and expertise in this field that Herzliya can “export” to Cyprus, through its distinguished academics and businessmen.
    “I am certain Pafos will be happy to also share its know-how with Herzliya in many other fields, which this western-most city of Cyprus excels in”, he added.

    He also underlined the commitment of both the executive and legislative branches of authority in Cyprus in supporting and promoting this twinning and other such initiatives, that serve first and foremost the citizens of the two countries and address mutual concerns and expectations.
    Finally, he expressed the wish that the cooperation between the two municipalities keeps growing and evolving in the years to come, turning all their efforts into benefits for their citizens, but also the people of both Cyprus and Israel.