"Talking Peace"

Marathon of online interviews "Talking Peace"

    Maria Koniotou from Cyprus News Agency participated in a marathon of online interviews, entitled "Talking Peace", with journalists across the world. The marathon was organized by Israel Min​istry of Foreign Affairs on the one-year anniversary of the signing of the Abraham Accords - the peace and normalization agreements between Israel, the UAE, Bahrain and later Morocco and Sudan.

    Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Lior Haiat, stressed that "the bilateral relationship between Israel and Cyprus is very important for Israel, and that Cyprus and other countries could be major partners in the spillover of the Abraham Accords, because there are issues that are relevant to Israel, to Cyprus to the other countries in the Middle East such as climate change, such as economy, such an energy, that will definitely change also the bilateral relations between Israel and countries that are not part of the Abraham Accords".

    Moreover, he expressed the belief that other countries will join this "circle of peace" that started with the signing Abraham Accords and the peace agreements of Israel with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan.

    Asked about the implementation of the cooperation between Cyprus, Greece, Israel and the United Arab Emirates, in light of the first meeting of their Foreign Ministers that took place in Pafos, Cyprus, last April, and about Cyprus` role in promoting peace, Haiat said that "this is a major part of the Abraham Accords. It wouldn’t just affect our countries, the countries that signed it. It will affect the relationship between the Middle East and countries in Europe and the European continent."

    "I think there are many ways of cooperation that are not limited to the bilateral talks or the relations between Israel and the countries we signed an agreement with. The Pafos meeting was a first step towards regional cooperation and I hope we will see more," he noted.

    Invited to say, in view of the meeting which Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennet, had in Cairo with the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, if more countries are expected to sign these Accords, the Israeli MFA Spokesperson recalled that the peace process in the Middle East. between Israel and Arab countries. started about four decades ago, in the 70s, with the first peace agreement between Israel and Egypt and a few years later with Jordan. Those peace agreements are a major part of the change that we are seeing today in the Middle East, he added.

    Haiat said that "there is no doubt that without the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt in 1979 we wouldn’t have the amazing change that we have seen over the last year with the Abraham Accords and the peace agreements with the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and also the participation of Sudan."

    "We obviously think that this process will continue and that there are other countries which will join the circle of peace. Since the creation of the state of Israel, Israel waited for a peace agreement with our neighbours and we are certain that this peace process is strong enough to continue. Other countries will join hopefully very soon till we change the face the Middle East. I think the last year has shown that there is hope for peace, there is hope for stability and prosperity," he added.

    Asked about the tangible results of the Abraham Accords for the participating states and their peoples, Haiat said that "the Abraham Accords and the peace and normalization agreements that we have signed are not only agreements between leaders and politicians."
    "Those agreements will affect the lives of all the citizens of the countries participating, but I think they will affect also the lives of the other countries’ citizens in the region, in the Middle East and also in third countries. The tangible results will be in tourism, in economy, in science, in technology. There are so many fields that we could explore with our neighbours. I would have said that the sky is the limit but since we already signed an agreement on cooperation in space with the UAE maybe the sky is not the limit," he noted.
    "Each and every Israeli, each and every citizen of the Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco will feel that these peace agreements affect their life in a positive way," he concluded.