Rocket from Gaza strikes home in Sharon region

Rocket from Gaza strikes home in Sharon region

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    The home in the Sharon region destroyed by the rocket from Gaza The home in the Sharon region destroyed by the rocket from Gaza Copyright: Dan Asulin

    A rocket fired early this morning from Gaza hit and destroyed a home in the Sharon region, north of Tel Aviv. Seven people were wounded, including four children.​

    A rocket fired from Gaza early this morning (Monday, 25 March 2019), struck a home in the Sharon region, north of Tel Aviv. Seven people were injured in the attack. Four of the wounded were children, including two toddlers.

    The wounded civilians were evacuated to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba after Magen David Adom paramedics provided initial medical treatment at the scene of the attack. 

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he will shorten his trip to the United State​s and return to Israel immediately after his meeting with President Donald Trump.