Response to House resolution on Gaza

Response to Parliament's Resolution on Gaza

    On the eve of the Jewish Holiday of Shavuot, regretfully, the House of Representatives of Cyprus adopted a resolution condemning the Israeli actions in Gaza. This Parliamentary statement cannot be justified.
    Israel and Cyprus are close neighboring countries, sharing the values of true democracy and the rule of law. The two countries, together with other like-minded countries in the region, face threats from extremist forces that promote hatred, violence and terrorism against civilians. We are resolved to defend the vision of Security, Stability and Prosperity, as stated in the Joint declaration of our leaders.
    The events of Monday last week, cannot be described as a peaceful protest, but rather violent riots orchestrated by Hamas aiming to storm the fence and breaking into Israeli communities and harming local civilians. In fact, Hamas paid youngsters and even families to storm the fence, which constitutes the border of Israel, using them as human shields. Moreover, Hamas admitted that 50 of the 60 people killed in the event came from its ranks.
    Israel will continue to adhere to its principles regarding the border, and subsequent attempts to break through into Israeli territory will be met with a similar response.
    For years, Hamas has repeatedly chosen violence over peace, conflict over coexistence with Israel—and has dragged the civilian population of Gaza along with it. The organization continues to use the aid funds in building offensive capabilities against Israel rather than using those funds to ensure the welfare of Gaza's population.
    Israel wants nothing more than to live at peace with all its neighbors and to see the Middle East—including the Gaza Strip—prosper.
    In order to stop the unnecessary violence, pressure should be exercised on the Palestinians and on the Hamas, as well as the Forces who support this Terrorist group.