Remembrance Day for the Fallen of Israel's Wars

Remembrance Day for the Fallen of Israel's Wars

    Remembrance Day, Yom Hazikaron, which begins on Tuesday evening, May 10, is a day of collective and personal anguish mingled with honor for the fallen. The official events begin at 8:00 PM with a moment of national silence heralded by a one minute siren. 

    A total of 24,447 men and women have been killed defending the land of Israel since 1860, the year that the first Jewish settlers left the secure walls of Jerusalem to build new Jewish neighborhoods.

    In the past year, since Remembrance Day 2015, 68 members of the security forces - police, IDF, Border Police, Israel Security Agency and other organizations - have been killed in the service of the state.


    - Yizkor

    Remembrance Day ceremonies commence at 11:00 AM at 44 IDF military cemeteries located throughout the country following a two minute blast of the siren. There will also be a ceremony for overseas Mahal volunteers who fought and died during the War of Independence, which will take place near the Sha'ar Hagai Junction. Israel's flag, adorned with a black ribbon and memorial flame, is placed on each and every grave of those who fell in Israel's battles and are buried in military cemeteries throughout Israel. It expresses the country's respect for the fallen as well as the entire country's participation in the grief of the families.

    "The ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly..." 
    - In memory of those who have fallen while on duty in the Israeli Foreign Service

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