Press Release for 2018 Ind Day


    The Embassy of Israel in Nicosia celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the Independence of the State of Israel with a festive reception on May 23rd 2018, at the Hilton Hotel in Nicosia.
    Ambassador Sammy Revel and his wife Osnat Revel welcomed all the friends of Israel, amongst them, Ministers, high level government officials, foreign diplomats, members from the business community, as well as other distinguished guests.
    Conveying on behalf of the President and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, warmest congratulations and sincere wishes, the Foreign Minister Mr Nikos Christodoulides said that the relations between Cyprus and Israel have entered a new, extremely dynamic phase in recent years. “This has been a strategic choice, the outcome of which is the unprecedented level of cooperation we have achieved, both at the bilateral level, but also at the regional level” he concluded.
    Israel’s 70th Independence Day celebrations in Cyprus this year are primarily a celebration of innovation- a celebration of all the great achievements that the State of Israel has accomplished since its establishment, Ambassador Revel noted. “I am convinced that Cyprus and Israel can link their capabilities to find crucial solutions to common issues in the fields of health, environment, water and much more. This is not only about diplomatic or business relations, but about connections between the people of Israel and the people of Cyprus. This will be an important element to further promote long lasting prosperity and offer a new horizon to the future generation, of both our people”, he said.
    Addressing the guests, Ambassador Revel expressed his enthusiasm and pleasure for celebrating this important anniversary in Cyprus, a close neighboring country and a true friend. “Our two countries are bound by an ‘alliance of the hearts’ and solidified by common human values and beliefs. Cyprus and Israel face many common challenges, but they share also great opportunities to further build their partnership”, Ambassador Revel concluded.


    Link for photo slideshow from the event: