President of Cyprus on State Visit to Israel 15 June 2015

President of Cyprus on State Visit to Israel

    PM Netanyahu: It's not too late to prevent Iran from having an agreement that paves its way to the bomb, that will give it ultimately hundreds of billions of dollars that it will use for its plans of aggression and conquest.
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    President Rivlin welcoming Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades to Jerusalem President Rivlin welcoming Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades to Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    PM Netanyahu meets with Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 15 June 2015), met with Cyprus President Nico Anastasiades and told him at the start of their meeting:
    "I used the word security because it is very concrete. It's not abstract. We have, we are suffering from terrorism in this region. A lot of this terrorism in the region and beyond the region is fomented by Iran that, along with its henchmen in Hezbollah, they operate a worldwide terrorism network of over 30 countries in five continents, and you and Cyprus have already suffered three terrorist plots, including the recent uncovering of an apartment with an enormous amount of ammonium nitrate, a very dangerous explosive.
    So we are all, we have a common stake in battling this terrorism. I mention Iran because President Rouhani said the other day that Iran has had so far a great victory in the negotiations with the P5+1. If Iran wins, the world loses. And indeed, it's not too late. It's not too late to prevent Iran from having an agreement that paves its way to the bomb, that will give it immediately 40 to 50 billion dollars of cash for its terrorist networks and its aggression in the region, and ultimately hundreds of billions of dollars that it will use for its plans of aggression and conquest.
    I believe that the P5+1 can get a better deal and certainly should have no deal if it's a bad deal, and this is a very bad deal. But given Iran's aggression in the region, given its terrorism in the Middle East, in our area and beyond, I think that the nuclear deal should be tied to, should tie the lifting of restrictions on Iran's nuclear program to a change in Iran's behavior and the lifting of sanctions to a different attitude on the part of Iran. I think this will be good for everyone in the Middle East. It'll be good for the world."
    President Rivlin hosts official welcoming ceremony for President Anastasiades of Cyprus
    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)
    President Reuven and First Lady Nechama Rivlin this morning (Monday 15 June 2015) hosted an official ceremony to welcome President Nicos and First Lady Anastasiades of Cyprus, marking the beginning of their state visit to Israel.  After the national anthems of both nations were played, the Presidents reviewed an IDF guard of honor, before entering the hall of the President’s Residence where they delivered their statements.
    President Rivlin spoke of the close friendship between the two countries and said, “Mr. President, you are so close, and we are such good friends, instead of welcoming you, I will simply say, make yourself at home.”
    President Rivlin continued to say, “The relations, between Israel and Cyprus, between our governments, between our two peoples, are long-standing. There are only a few democracies in the Eastern Mediterranean, and we face many of the same challenges, at home and abroad. Israel and Cyprus, are both small countries, and share common threats in the shape of radical Islam, Iran, and the ongoing conflict in Syria to name but a few. Yet, with the challenges brought by these threats, comes the opportunity to form new alliances, where shared values and concerns, replace previous fears and conflicts."
    “I want to thank you for your country's support for the need to find a solution to the 150 year old tragedy, of the Jews and Arabs of this land. Cyprus has always been a quiet partner for peace. Especially you, Mr. President, have always been a wise and patient voice, in the search for an end to the conflicts of this region.”
    President of Cyprus Anastasiades thanked the President for his warm welcome, and said, “Cyprus and Israel are geographical neighbors, which could partly account for our close relationship but our friendship extends beyond that. We share common democratic values, and we share many concerns, which is why we have grown to rely on each other's assistance and we have learned that we can both gain from this successful cooperation. In recent years especially, we have witnessed an unprecedented growth in all aspects of our bilateral relations - political, economic, energy, cultural exchanges and many more. I would also like to express my desire for a solution to the Middle East problem that will bring about peace, stability and prosperity, not only for the Israelis, but for the whole region and its peoples. Cyprus will continue its modest contribution towards that end through active participation in the EU and the UN.”
    Following their statements the Presidents held an extended working meeting, during which they discussed the strengthening of bilateral ties in a wide range of fields.  The two will meet again later in the day at the official state dinner in honor of the visit of President.