President Isaac Herzog’s speech at COP27

President Isaac Herzog’s speech at COP27 in Egypt

  •    Haim Zach/GPO
    ​Monday, 7 November 2022 / 13 Cheshvan 5783

    “Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I am so very honored to join you today, world leaders from across the globe at COP27. I thank the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt His Excellency Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and his government for hosting us here in beautiful Sharm el-Sheikh. As neighboring nations, Israel and Egypt are both fortunate to call this beautiful region—the Middle East—our home. However, this home we all love is also a global hotspot for climate change.

    “With studies forecasting imminent, severe consequences for our region, the Middle East is on the brink of catastrophe. Here in Sharm el-Sheikh I wish to reiterate the State of Israel’s solid commitment, as relayed last year in Glasgow,  to achieving net zero carbon emissions and to transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy by 2050. But Israel is prepared to assume far greater responsibility. Israel is prepared to lead the effort towards regional climate resilience. I intend to spearhead the development of what I term a Renewable Middle East—a regional ecosystem of sustainable peace.

    “I envision that in the foreseeable future the solar energy produced in the deserts of the Middle East will be available for export to Europe, Asia, and Africa. For example, Israel and Greece are already working on electricity connectors to supply green electricity from Israel to Europe.

    “I believe that the entire Middle East, all Middle Eastern nations, abundant with sun and technology, will have the ability to connect the rest of the world to a magnificent source of renewable energy. In a region undergoing accelerated desertification, Israel also has the capability and know-how to deflect severe water shortages and to offer solutions to food insecurity. We are eager to share all our expertise and practical tools: that is what a Renewable Middle East is all about. I invite you all to visit our beautiful pavilion here at COP27 and see some of these brilliant ideas for yourselves.

    “Friends, this crisis threatens the very existence of the future we wish for our children. It transcends politics and geographic margins—and so must we. I say to all nations at COP27 and particularly to our neighbors, near and far: this state of emergency demands we work together. Not tomorrow: today. Let us turn the climate emergency into an opportunity to address twentieth-century conflicts, thereby advancing desperately needed twenty-first-century collaborations. Let us leverage vital regional partnerships as a path towards inclusivity, stability and prosperity, to form this shared, Renewable Middle East. 

    “The Prosperity Green and Prosperity Blue partnership, reflecting Jordan's intention to supply Israel with green electricity, and Israel’s intention to supply Jordan with desalinated water, with the direct involvement and support of the United States of America and the United Arab Emirates, is the ultimate example of creative, win-win-win partnerships, which will contribute to the stability of the entire region.

    “In the spirit of our hosts in the region, I would like to teach from the Quran, which teaches us to be good to others, as Allah has been good to us, and to not seek to corrupt the land. And as our Holy Bible says, ‘God settled man in the Garden of Eden, to till it and tend it.’ Let us save the world God gave us, for we have all been created in His image. Thank you.”