Parliament honours memory of Holocaust victims

Cyprus Parliament honours Holocaust victims memory

  •   Photo by: Aristidis Viketos
    Th​e House of Representatives condemned on Thursday, 28 January 2021, during its plenary session, the atrocities committed during World War II and honoured the memory of the victims in concentration camps.

    The Parliament observed a one-minute silence in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.

    President of the House of Representatives Adamos Adamou said that "it is our duty to pass on to future generations the lessons of the Holocaust and to never let ideas like those of Nazism and fascism be revived again."

    Adamou stressed that “six million men, women, elderly and children were lost during this crime, but these sad statistics cannot fully capture the barbarity and destruction.”

    The Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Israel, Ms Noga Caspi, was present at the session.