PM Netanyahu's remarks following the trilateral summit meeting

PM Netanyahu's remarks following the trilateral

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    PM Netanyahu with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Bahraini Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, following the trilateral summit meeting. PM Netanyahu with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Bahraini Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, following the trilateral summit meeting. Copyright: GPO/Amos Ben Gershom
    PM Netanyahu: Today, we are making history again. This is the first-ever official ministerial visit from the Kingdom of Bahrain to Israel. It marks another important milestone on the road to peace between our two countries and peace in the region.

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Following are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks today (Wednesday, 18 November 2020), at the joint statements with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Bahraini Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, following the trilateral summit meeting:
    "Secretary of State, Pompeo, my dear friend Mike, it's always a pleasure to see you in Jerusalem; Foreign Minister, Dr. Al-Zayani, it's a pleasure to see you again and it's a tremendous pleasure to welcome you for the first time ever in Jerusalem; Undersecretary for International Affairs, Shaikh Al-Khalifa; our dear friend the US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman; National Security Advisor of Israel, Meir Ben-Shabbat; and my Chief of Staff, Asher Hayon.
    “Just two months ago, we made history in Washington. We signed the seminal Abraham Accords.
    “I want to thank President Trump, Secretary Pompeo and the President's able peace team led by Jared Kushner for their leadership and vision in advancing this historic peace.
    “Three peace agreements in six weeks; I don't think it gets much better than that.
    “Today, we are making history again. This is the first-ever official ministerial visit from the Kingdom of Bahrain to the State of Israel. It marks another important milestone on the road to peace between our two countries and peace in the region.
    “The peace between Israel and Bahrain is built on solid foundations of mutual appreciation and shared interest.
    “Like Israel, Bahrain respects the past while embracing the future. Like Israel, Bahrain is small in size but big in aspirations. Like Israel, Bahrain has built a thriving economy by fostering innovation and free enterprise.
    “I was going to say like Israel, Bahrain has natural gas but I'm not extending this analogy beyond its limits, but Bahrain has natural gas and oil but it doesn't depend on these resources alone.
    “It has a robust and modern economy, with thriving e-commerce and FinTech, cutting edge aluminum production, cutting edge tourism and much more.
    “And today what we're doing at this visit is expanding much more. Because what we're doing is to enable the free flow of ideas, innovators, entrepreneurs between Israel and Bahrain, both directions. And we are unleashing a tremendously potent economic force and a force for peace for the benefit of both our peoples.
    “We're not doing this in the distant future. We're doing it right now as we speak and it's happening with astonishing speed. Israelis are flying to Bahrain. Bahrainis are flying to Israel. The sky is no longer the limit.
    “Foreign Minister Al-Zayani, please convey to King Hamad my heartfelt admiration for his visionary and courageous leadership.
    “In 2019, His Majesty hosted a regional economic summit that brought together Bahrainis, Israelis, Americans, representatives from across the Middle East and beyond, and I think that meeting which was poo-pooed at the time was actually a harbinger of good things to come. It was a tremendously important step on our common path to reconciliation and peace.
    “Today, King Hamad and I are building a bridge of peace that many others will cross in the future.
    “Secretary Pompeo, Mike, I thank you again for your unwavering friendship. I don't say that as lip service. Unwavering friendship. Constant at all times. And I ask you to convey to President Trump my deep appreciation and the appreciation of our grateful nation for all he and his administration have done for the State of Israel and for peace.
    “Israel and Bahrain have had many contacts over the years but very frankly, this day would not have happened, these Abraham Accords would not have been signed, without President Trump’s crucial support and leadership.
    “I welcome all our honored guests from the Kingdom of Bahrain and from the United States and I thank you for being with us here on this special occasion as we take another historic step on the road to a broader peace.
    “Welcome all."
    Prime Minister Netanyahu added:
    "I would be remiss if I wouldn't mention our condolences, my condolences, for the late Prime Minister. I did obviously send you a letter and published a note, but he was a great friend, a great champion of peace and he will be sorely missed.
    “And I take the opportunity to also offer my hopes for success and continued cooperation with the new Prime Minister, which I think reflects our great friendship.
    “On the question of embassies, we're ready to help. As far as I know there is one or two vacant embassies that are available.
    “Thank you very much. Thank you, Mike. Thank you, Foreign Minister.
    “This is a wonderful day for peace."