CY delegation participates in training in Israel

    On 21 December 2018, an 11-member Cypriot delegation was invited to participate in a training program on innovation and startup businesses entitled "Innovation Road Map: How to Scale Up Your Start Up". The Cypriot delegation, which included representatives of Cypriot start-ups, accelerators, start-up funding entities as well as representatives from the Research Promotion Foundation, was hosted for a total of 12 days by the Israeli Government, along with a corresponding mission from Greece.
    The program was organized by the MASHAV in cooperation with the Foreign Ministry of Israel and is part of the tripartite agreement between Greece, Cyprus, Israel which was signed on October 20 in Beersheba, Israel.
    The training took place in Haifa with the contribution of experts from the Israeli innovation ecosystem, who shared specialized knowledge and experiences with the delegations of Cyprus and Greece.
    It is worth mentioning that prominent Professor Dan Shectman of Technion University, honored with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2011, and who developed the subject of technological entrepreneurship as a key to global prosperity and peace was one of the presenters.
    As part of the training program, visits took place to relevant institutions, the Technion University in Haifa and the Israel Innovation Authority.
    The Cypriot delegation returned to Cyprus, having gained excellent insights from the Israeli innovation ecosystem.
    The completion of the educational program was welcomed by the Ambassador of Israel to Cyprus, the President of the Cyprus National Council for Research and Innovation and the Chief Scientist of Cyprus.