Moshe Haelion WebTalk

Moving testimony: Holocaust Survivor Moshe Haelion

    ​On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Embassy of Israel in Cyprus, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth and Yad Vashem: World Holocaust Center, held a WebTalk with one of the few remaining Greek-Jewish Holocaust survivors, Moshe Haelion.​

    The WebTalk was held on Wednesday 02/02/2022 and was entitled "Anyone who survived the Holocaust, must speak about it -The testimony of Moshe Haelion."

    Prior to the testimony of Mr Haelion, speeches were delivered by H.E Speake​r of the House Ms Annita Demetriou, H.E Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth Mr Prodromou and H.E the Ambassador of Israel to Cyprus Mr Oren Anolik. 

    Moshe Haelion's short bio:
    Born in Thessaloniki on February 26, 1925, Moshe Haelion, just 17 years old, was forcibly sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau in April 1943 with his sister Nina, Rachel's mother and other family members. With the number 14923, he lived for 21 whole months in the inferno of Auschwitz.