Joint Declaration of Intent on Cooperation in the field of Health and Medical Science

Health Ministers sign Joint Declaration of Intent


    Joint Declaration of Intent


    Cooperation in the field of Health and Medical Science




    the Ministry of Health of the Republic of                         ​Cyprus


    ​the Ministry of Health of the State of Israel


    the Ministry of Health of the Hellenic Republic

    The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus, the Ministry of Health of the State of Israel and the Ministry of Health of the Hellenic Republic and (hereinafter “the participants”)

    - Recalling Israel-Greece-Cyprus Trilateral Summit Declaration of the 8th of December 2016, its specific reference for collaboration in the health sector and its commitment to hold a trilateral ministerial meeting in the health sector;
    - Recognizing the importance of acting jointly in the spirit of understanding and cooperation, while strengthening neighbourly ties and joint collaboration;
    - Recognizing the fact that the participants are facing similar challenges in the field of Public Health and Medical Science; 
    - Recognizing that many public health threats/risks are of cross-border nature, and only through joint initiative can be dealt effectively; 
    - Reiterating their desire to strengthen cooperation and establish a long term and mutually beneficial partnership in the field of Public Health and Medical Science, especially through exchanging respective information and knowledge 
    - Taking into account the relevant provisions of European Union Acquis in the area of health to which the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Cyprus are bound;

    Declare their intention to advance cooperation in the following areas:

    a) Health effects of desalinated water and air pollution, 
    b) Emergency preparedness for joint activity during disease outbreaks and natural and man - made disasters, 
    c) Health promotion, 
    d) Mutual purchase or stockpiling and back-up inventories of pharmaceuticals, blood products and vaccines, for routine and emergency use 
    e) Any other area deemed to be of common interest by the Participants in the field of Public Health and Medicine, including the exchange of know-how and expertise

    The following forms of cooperation may be considered, inter alia:

    a) Joint scientific and technical workshops, conferences, training programs, seminars and courses on identified themes in the cooperation scope indicated in this document; 
    b) Trilateral professional working groups meetings to be jointly decided by the Participants;
    c) Exchange of best practices, scientific and technical information and data, as well as relevant research results;
    d) Technical assistance, particularly through exchange of experts and specific studies in the cooperation scope indicated in this document;
    e) Carrying out joint research projects;
    f) Promotion of regional cooperation projects in the area of health, including those mentioned in this document;
    g) Encouragement of trilateral cooperation in the areas of mutual interest mentioned above among the relevant governmental authorities and agencies, as well as between public and private institutions;
    h) Utilisation of financing opportunities available through international institutions and European funds;
    i) Any other forms of cooperation that may be mutually decided upon by the Participants.

    Cooperative activities under this Joint Declaration will be subject to the availability of appropriate funds and other necessary resources of each Participant. Unless otherwise decided, each Participant is intended to bear the costs of its own Participation activities carried out under this Declaration.

    Any activity carried out pursuant to this Joint Declaration will be done in accordance with the domestic laws and regulations of each Participant. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus and the Ministry of Health of the Hellenic Republic will apply this Joint Declaration without prejudice to their obligations as members of the European Union.

    This Joint Declaration is solely an expression of the Participants’ intentions and it is not intended to create any legally binding obligations for the Participants.