Israeli therapeutic clowns visit Cyprus hospitals

Israeli medical clowns visit hospitals in Cyprus

    Between December 4-6, Avital Dvory and Shahar Hurevich, Israeli medical clowns and members of the "Dream Doctors Project," visited the Paediatrics Clinic of Archbishop Makarios III Hospital, and the children’s wings of Limassol and Larnaca General Hospitals and Ygia Polyclinic in Limassol.
    During their visits, the two clowns met with hospitalized children, played with them and offered moments of relief, laughter and joy.
    The "Dream Doctors Project" (medical clowns in action) is an Israeli non-profit organization aimed at integrating clown healers as an integral part of the healthcare staff in hospitals throughout Israel. The medical clowns are working in 29 hospitals in the country, and are involved in more than 40 medical procedures, in various departments such as Nephrology, Oncology, Intensive Care Unit etc.