Israel and Cyprus: Moving forward with renewed dynamism in 2021

Israel-Cyprus: Moving forward in 2021

    ​Israel and Cyprus: Moving forward with renewed dynamism in 2021

    Sammy Revel, Ambassador of Israel in Cyprus


    The outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic has changed our priorities in an unprecedented way. Our focus in past months was the combat against COVID-19. Israel and Cyprus, as many other countries, invested considerable resources to introduce preventive measures, to provide lifesaving medical care and to maximize scientific capabilities to face the Coronavirus. Equally important were efforts to minimize the economic impact due to the pandemic.

    Israel and Cyprus worked closely together on all these fronts. As we celebrate 60 years of Israel-Cyprus diplomatic relations, the political ties between our two countries are stronger than ever before. They serve as an important basis for cooperation. Intensive exchanges continue on Head of state level as well as between Ministers and experts. Our partnership – based on geographical proximity, shared values and cultural affinity – is very important in normal times. It is especially important in times of emergency, such as during the current global pandemic.

    The significant challenges we face are going to follow us into 2021. In addition to the Coronavirus pandemic and the need for Economic recovery, we continue to confront challenges to regional stability in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean. We do not close our eyes to the reality, as we see countries and organizations playing a destabilizing role. Through the Israel-Cyprus-Greece Trilateral and the important cooperation with the United States and with like-minded European countries, we will pursue our endeavor to build a pillar of stability, security and prosperity.

    We have challenges but we have before us also a great opportunity. The historic step for peace and relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco is an opportunity for all those who seek a paradigm shift in our region. While our part of the world is often thought to be somewhat of a dysfunctional family, we now have at our doorstep the key for a positive change. Contributing to this are also growing synergies with Egypt, Jordan and other peace partners.

    For Israel and Cyprus, this development presents a chance to work together with friendly neighboring countries. Potential for growing synergies exist on health issues, in particular the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other critical issues such as environment protection, preparedness for emergencies, diminishing water resources and more. Israel strongly supports the Cyprus Government Initiative for Coordinating Climate Change Action in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Many experts from Israel are already engaged in joint research activities and we look forward to intensify connections in 2021, both on the Government level and the scientific level.

    We will continue to focus our efforts to bring Israel and Cyprus closer together in the fields of Innovation and entrepreneurship. Early in 2021 Israel will launch another cycle of training for Cypriots from the Innovation ecosystem, building on joint training activities in the last two years. This human bridge between our High-Tech Ecosystems will significantly contribute to our scientific institutes, to our economies and will no doubt create new ideas, which will improve the lives of people.

    In 2020 we made necessary adjustments to the way we work and engage. Face to face meetings were often replaced with telephone calls and online exchanges. This was a dramatic, often unwelcome, change. Only one year ago, in 2019, hundreds of Israelis visited Cyprus for business or Tourism. Hotels, Restaurants and Tavernas were often a meeting place for Israelis and Cypriots. We hope that soon, in the next year, once again people will be able to cross, easily and quickly, the short distance between our two countries.

    Looking forward to 2021, we will move forward with renewed Dynamism to develop the bonds between Israel and Cyprus. As two neighboring countries, connected by the Mediterranean Sea, we face joint challenges yet we must seize new opportunities. After a particularly challenging period, our biggest opportunity is to work together to further upgrade our partnership based on shared values and a common vision.