
Time to take Israel-Cyprus synergy to next level

  •   Photo credit of the 1st direct Israel-UAE flight: EL Al Airlines
    Returning from the summer vacation, our region faces serious security challenges. Meanwhile, the dynamism of relations between Israel and Cyprus is stronger than ever and we have important common opportunities.

    This week, an historic step for peace and normalization of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates took place (enclosed photo of 1st direct Israel – UAE flight. Photo credit: EL Al Airlines). This provides an opportunity for Israel and Cyprus to further develop wider cooperation. Together with the UAE and with other like-minded countries, we can connect people and cultures. This is important for Israel and Cyprus and will further contribute to stability, security and economic development.

    Recently, we had close contacts between Israel and Cyprus, on the level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defence, Energy, Research & Innovation and more. I was pleased to meet this week Minister of Defence Charalambos Petrides and Deputy Minister of Tourism Savvas Perdios.

    We don’t close our eyes to the reality, as we see extremist countries playing a destabilizing role in the region and supporting terrorist organization such as Hamas and Hezbollah. At the same time, we continue promoting our common positive agenda, on the bilateral level, the trilateral with Greece and regionally.

    A major issue, at the heart of our concerns these days, is the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. Cooperation between medical experts and scientists is vital. Renewing travel is also a big challenge. I am convinced that together we can find the right approach to reconnect flights between Israel and Cyprus, while giving priority to Health and Safety.

    This is the time to take the Israel – Cyprus partnership to the next level. We must take the right decisions for the benefit of our countries and people and for our shared region.

    “η ισχύς εν τη ενώσει” 🇮🇱🤝🇨🇾