Innovation Courses in Israel

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Courses in Israel

    Innovation & Entrepreneurship Courses in Israel
    Are you into innovation and startups?
    Here is a chance to gain the tools and knowledge from Israel - one of the most developed entrepreneurship ecosystems of the world.
    Apply now for one of the three courses designed for participants from Greece and Cyprus to take place this coming November/December.

    1) Innovative Entrepreneurship: Early Stage Startups (10.11.19 – 19.11.19) Innovative Entrepreneurship: Early Stage Startups (10.11.19 – 19.11.19)

    The target audience are entrepreneurs/start-ups 

    2) Support System for Entrepreneurs (24.11.19 – 03.12.19)

    The target audience are government officials and support systems for government-specific or independent startups

    3) Social Entrepreneurship: Transforming an idea into a Business (08.12.19 – 17.12.19)Social Entrepreneurship: Transforming an idea into a Business (08.12.19 – 17.12.19)

    The target audience are young entrepreneurs in the field of social entrepreneurship
    Tuition and accommodation will be covered by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Flight tickets will be paid by the participants.
    Requirements for candidates:
    Minimum age 25 years old.
    Holder of an academic degree in related disciplines.
    At least three years of professional work experience in related fields.
    Application form:
    Deadline: 13th September 2019.
    More information: