Holocaust Reference By Syllouris

Cyprus Parliament commemorates Holocaust Day

    Reference by the President of the House of Representatives, Mr. Demetris Syllouris, on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day
    House Plenary Meeting – Friday, 1st February 2019
    It is with great respect that the House of Representatives commemorates today the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz camp, on 27 January 1945, the memory of millions of innocent victims of the Nazi Holocaust, one of the biggest mass crimes committed in the course of the 20th century. On this occasion, we pay due honour to the memory of the millions of innocent souls, Jews, as well as members of other minorities, who were tortured and perished in the horrors of the concentration camps. In doing so, we fulfill a rightful duty both towards the victims and to the future generations. Knowledge of these facts, promoted through public events and references such as the one today, shields our societies against the possibility of a repetition of these atrocities that have shocked humanity so brutally.
    Today, the House of Representatives joins its voice and sends out a strong message against the repetition of such atrocities in the future, through the knowledge of the past and the fruitful use of history. Let the memory of the victims be eternal and let us continue to remember and honour the survivors of both he Holocaust and all other Genocides that mankind has experienced.