Hanukkah - Medical clowns

Ceremony for Hanukkah at Makario Hospital


    ​This year, the Embassy of Israel in Nicosia celebrated Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, in a different way. The Embassy held a ceremony on Tuesday, December 4, 2018, at the Paediatrics Clinic of Archbishop Makarios III Hospital, where Ambassador Sami Revel lit the candles on the menorah in the presence of the Minister of Health Mr. Konstantinos Ioannou.

    Two Israeli therapeutic clowns, Avital Dvory and Shahar Hurevich, who are members of the "Dream Doctors Project," attended the ceremony, met with hospitalized children, played with them and offered moments of relief, laughter and joy.

    “Cyprus and Israel stand side by side to save people throughout the year. Together with the body however, we must also treat the spirit and the soul, and bring joy, happiness and uplifting spirit to hospitals,” Ambassador Revel stressed.

    From his part, Health Minister Ioannou said that “the Dream Doctors Project is here to make kids-patients' stay in the hospital as joyful as it can get and for that we are very grateful. This unique Israeli non-profit organization has developed a modern therapeutic method. Therapeutic medical clowns are visiting our country for the second time and give children the chance to be merry these days of joy.”