From an “alliance of the hearts” to a 3D heart

From an “alliance of the hearts” to a 3D heart

    Recently, scientists in Israel unveiled a 3D print of a heart with human tissue. They hope one day to be able to produce hearts suitable for transplant into humans, giving prospect to thousands waiting for donors. The potential created by breakthroughs such as this, is considerable. Israel is at the forefront of this technological revolution.

    Looking back to the historic bonds between Cyprus and Israel, one can talk about “an alliance of the hearts” between the two peoples. Our aspiration is that this alliance will evolve also into scientific collaboration which could have a substantial impact to society. Building the innovation bridge between our two countries can contribute significantly towards creating a better future in the region and beyond. 

    Adapting to the information age, modernizing the country’s industries and utilizing its human capital, were instrumental for Israel’s leadership in science and technology. Through an ecosystem of competent government agencies, a vibrant network of incubators for early-stage technology start-ups as well as an active venture capital system, extensive support for new ideas and technologies is provided. 

    Israel invests heavily in education and research, with more than 4% of its GDP going into R&D – one of the highest percentages in the world. Through the active encouragement of the government, there are now over 300 multinational R&D centers, including those of leading tech giants Microsoft, Motorola, Google, Apple and Facebook. One the highest concentration of high-tech companies in the world is found in Israel.

    High-tech comprises 45% of Israel’s total exports. Some of these products have had a huge impact. Examples include the Pillcam - the gold standard for intestinal visualization, MobileEye - a world leader in automated driving and Waze an innovative platform for satellite navigation.

    Today, the connections between Israel and Cyprus in the field of research and innovation are opening new horizons. The first bilateral Joint Research Program of Cooperation in 2014 supported financially three projects. The training course on start-ups and entrepreneurship, that took place in parallel with the last trilateral summit in Israel, is a further concrete step in this direction.

    Moreover, we are working on solidifying a comprehensive framework for cooperation in the innovation field. An elaborate action plan has been put in place, following visits of top experts from Israel and a visit by a Cypriot delegation to the Israeli Innovation Authority. As an EU member, with excellent academic institutions and a diversified skilled workforce, Cyprus can offer great opportunities for partnerships.

    Looking towards the future, we face many common challenges, like in the fields of health, environment or cyber security which are also cross-border. Working together is a big opportunity. As close neighbours, Israel and Cyprus have a clear interest to link their innovation ecosystems. This offers multiple benefits. More than anything else, it will bring the hearts, as well as the minds of our peoples even closer, inspiring the future generation.


    Sammy Revel

    Ambassador of Israel in Cyprus