Filia Eis ta Paidia

Holocaust Documentary Film Screening

  •       Photo Credit: Vassilis Loules
    On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Embassy of Israel in Cyprus presents the film:

    "KISSES TO THE CHILDREN", by Vassilis Loules.

    Saturday, January 27th, 2018, at 20.00, at Cine Studio, University of Nicosia (free entrance)
    The film is in Greek, with English subtitles.

    KISSES TO THE CHILDREN is a film about childhood in the shadow of the Holocaust. Five Greek-Jewish children who were saved by Christian families during the German Occupation, tell their stories. 

    The movie follows these persons from childhood to present day, revealing their hidden stories and invaluable personal documents. It also depicts the life of the Greek Jewish Communities before the War, complemented with rare images of Occupied Greece from archival material, as well as amateur films by German soldiers and illegal footage shot by Greek patriots.
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