FMs Trilateral in Athens

Trilateral meeting of Israel-Greece-Cyprus FMs

    ​The Foreign Ministers of the State of Israel, the Hellenic Republic, and the Republic of Cyprus held today (Tuesday, 27 October 2020) in Athens a trilateral meeting, where they agreed to promote economic, security and, particularly during the Coronavirus crisis, health cooperation, and work towards regional stability. The meeting finished in a spirit of unity with a common path forward.

    In his statements after the trilateral, Foreign Minister Ashkenazi highlighted the importance of the trilateral cooperation for regional security and defense cooperation. As he said, this cooperation exemplifies creative diplomacy for the benefit of peace and prosperity. “I strongly believe in the importance of diplomacy, and this trilateral diplomacy in particular as a tool for the promotion of regional security as well as the national resilience of each of our countries. I intend to work to promote economic cooperation between our countries and to encourage strategic infrastructures that increase our connectivity, such as through the electricity grid, railways for peace and the East-Med project,” he concluded. The full statement of Minister Ashkenazi is found below.

    Prior to the trilateral, Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi held a series of meetings. He met with both the Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis and Foreign Minister Dendias, and discussed the positive changes in the Middle East, including the recent peace agreements. They also discussed the tensions in the East Med and its impact on our countries. Gabi Ashkenazi emphasized the importance of outlawing Hezbollah, while the three of them also discussed options for further collaboration, and agreed that there is an opportunity to form regional coalitions, in the fields of energy, technology, the fight against Coronavirus and more.

    Minister Ashkenazi also met with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Cyprus Mr Nicos Christodulides. As Minister Ashkenazi said “we made progress on a number of significant issues and spoke about establishing the regional coalition. I raised the discrimination against Israel at the UN, which is a real obstacle to progress in the peace process with the Palestinians. I also asked to open Cyprus’s skies to Israelis, I hope that this agreement will be just as successful as our agreement with Greece has been.”

    Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi also met Greek Defense Minister Mr Nikos Panagiotopoulos. They discussed security issues including the tensions in the East Med, the Iranian threat and the need to outlaw Hezbollah. They also discussed opportunities for security cooperation and mutual assistance in times of emergency.

    While in Athens, Minister Ashkenazi had the opportunity to meet Russian FM Lavrov, and emphasize the need to prevent Iranian entrenchment in Syria and stop the transfer of arms to Hezbollah. The two men agreed to move forward on the adoption agreement & discussed possible cooperation in the global fight against Coronavirus.

    Statements by Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi, following the trilateral in Athens:

    Fellow Foreign Ministers,

    My friend, Greek Foreign Minister

    Nikos Dendias,

    My friend,

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus,

    Nikos Christodoulides,

    Joint delegations,

    Dear guests,

    I am very happy to be here today and to continue the tradition of trilateral encounters between Greece, Cyprus and Israel. Since I took over as Foreign Minister of Israel, I placed great importance on these meetings. It is important that this meeting is happening, despite the worldwide Corona Crisis.

    The trilateral connection between us is based on a history and culture of many years that connects our peoples. The partnership between us helps maintain stability, increase prosperity and promote security for the entire region. These meetings will continue to exist at different levels and will strengthen the bond between us.

    Through proactive diplomacy between Greece, Cyprus and Israel, as well as other countries in the region, we will be able to bring other influential countries with common interests together to create regional change. Change that will lead to prosperity, stability and a brave and true peace between countries.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The Middle East has undergone a positive upheaval in recent months.

    After many years of diplomatic contacts that were mostly hidden from the public, we are witnessing the opening of a new window of opportunity for peace between friends, countries and cultures.

    The Abraham Accords and the signing of peace and normalization agreements with the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan, have created new strategic, commercial, cultural and tourism collaborations that will create a better future for our children.

    These agreements will change the face of the Middle East, and bring to our citizens prosperity and stability. This is a historic opportunity for other countries to embark on the path of peace that we have paved. I hope more leaders in the Middle East will join us.

    To the Palestinian leadership, I call on you to understand the magnitude of the opportunity before you and return to direct negotiations with Israel with no preconditions. This is your opportunity to lead your people to a better future of peace and prosperity.

    This is also an opportunity to thank our American allies for their relentless efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East. The importance of the American initiative and the Abraham Accords cannot be underestimated. It is leading the entire Middle East to a new reality of prosperity and stability.

    As Foreign Minister of the State of Israel, I strongly believe in the importance of diplomacy, and this trilateral diplomacy in particular as a tool for the promotion of regional security as well as the national resilience of each of our countries.

    I intend to work to promote economic cooperation between our countries and to encourage strategic infrastructures that increase our connectivity, such as through the electricity grid, railways for peace and the East-Med project.

    The creation of regional frameworks, such as the EMGF, in which the three of us are partners, or joint projects in the fields of energy, technology, fighting Corona and others, are a key strategic component for ensuring peace, stability and economic prosperity.

    Not only for us but for the entire region.

    These partnerships should be based on equality and mutual respect and sensitivity, and understanding of the needs of the other.

    I would like to thank my friend the Greek Foreign Minister, Nikos, for the invitation to participate in this important meeting and to invite you, to visit Israel again in order to promote together our partnership and the global fight against the corona virus.

    Thank you