Dance waves 2018

Performance by Ido Gidron in Dance Waves Festival


    In the context of the Dance Waves Festival 2018, Ido Gidron performed "Dualism" on Sunday 11 November 2018 at Egomio.

    Ido Gidron is a performance artist, dancer, choreographer, and certified Gaga instructor based in Tel Aviv, Israel.dualism1.jpg

    "Dualism" is dealing with the quality or condition of being dual. It is about the relations of opposed and contrasting forces; about breaking relations, habits and prejudices and rebuilding them. It is about staying vigilant to the constant alteration of the now. How is the energy in the room shifting when someone new enters? A man? A woman perhaps? Is it all black or white?...Dualism puts us back in place and reminds us that there are two sides for everything. Dualism has direct and immediate effect on our body and soul as well as sometimes they are in conflict with each other.

    In 2017, "Dualism" won 3rd prize in the Machol Shalem Choreography Competition in Jerusalem, and in March 2018 the piece was performed at the Lucky Trimmer Dance Festival in Berlin.

    More info about the artist: