Cyprus reopens its borders to visitors from Israel

Cyprus reopens its borders to visitors from Israel

    Cyprus reopens its borders to visitors from Israel

    Taking all necessary measures to ensure that visitors enjoy their holidays in a safe and carefree environment, Cyprus will be opening its borders to all visitors from Israel, as follows:
    Opening of Borders: Cyprus opens its borders to all visitors from Israel as of April 1st, 2021.

    Quarantine-free Travel: All tested and proved to be covid-free passengers who have not come into close contact with a confirmed case, will be guaranteed a quarantine-free stay.

    Travelling with Children: Children under the age of 12 are not required to undergo any testing. Children aged 12-18 will still be required to undergo testing as per the enforced Protocol.

    Vaccination: Additionally, as of April 1st 2021, all travellers who can prove they have received the required doses of a recognised vaccine, will not be required to undergo any tests to visit Cyprus.

    Protocol: Travellers are required to follow all regulations, measures and precautions as described in the Cyprus Destination Protocol.

    For more information please contact the offices of the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism, in Israel or Cyprus or follow the link

    (Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism Press Release)