Ceremony to commemorate YomHazikaron

Ceremony held to commemorate Yom Hazikaron

    Α was ceremony held today, 14 April 2021, at the Embassy, to commemorate Yom Hazikaron.

    Remembrance Day, Yom Hazikaron, is a day of collective and personal anguish mingled with honor for the fallen.

    We remember those who sacrificed their lives to defend the State of Israel ensuring its security and future.

    We will always remember them!

    A total of 27,086 men, women and children have been killed in terrorist attacks and in defense of the Land of Israel since 1860, the year that the first Jewish settlers left the secure walls of Jerusalem to build new Jewish neighborhoods.

    The number of Israel's casualties of war stand at 23,928 as of April 2021. Since last Memorial Day, 43 new names were added to the roster of those who died defending the country. An additional 69 disabled persons died as a result of injuries sustained in defense services. 

    The number of Israeli civilian victims totals 3,158.  

    As happens every year, a siren will go off on the eve of Memorial Day at 8 p.m., and another one on Memorial Day itself at 11 a.m., during which the country will stand still for a moment of silence and remembrance for the fallen soldiers of the IDF.

    Memorial Day ends on Wednesday evening (14 April 2021), ushering in Israel’s 73rd Independence Day.