Cabinet communique 4 January 2015

Cabinet communique

    PM Netanyahu: The Palestinian Authority has chosen confrontation with Israel and we will not sit idly by. It is the Palestinian Authority leaders – who have allied with the war criminals of Hamas – who must be called to account.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 4 January 2015):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "The Palestinian Authority has chosen confrontation with Israel and we will not sit idly by. We will not allow IDF soldiers and commanders to be hauled before the International Criminal Court in the Hague. It is the Palestinian Authority leaders – who have allied with the war criminals of Hamas – who must be called to account. The soldiers of the IDF will continue to defend the State of Israel with strength and determination and just as they defend us, we will defend them with the same strength and determination.
    Today, the Cabinet will make a two-fold decision, which I think is historic, on the development of the Negev and the vacating of IDF bases from real estate sites in the center of the country. This is a welcome decision. We are moving IDF training bases – intelligence and signal corps – to the south. This will lead to a great change in the Negev. International companies are coming to the Negev. Strong populations are going there. Major development is coming to the Negev.
    This is part of the development of the Negev, but it is doing something else as well. We are vacating bases in places such as Tzrifin, Syrkin, Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan and elsewhere and are thereby creating the possibility of building approximately 60,000 new residential units in the center of the country. This is in addition to the relocation of Israel Military Industries, which will provide another approximately 40,000 housing units, for a total of around 100,000 housing units in the major high-demand areas in the center of the country. This is a very great change; this is also the right way to deal with housing prices: Increasing supply to meet the demand in the most desirable areas in the center of the country, as well as development of the periphery."
    2. The Cabinet approved the addition of various services and drugs to the health services basket, effective 15 January 2015.
    3. The Cabinet approved the draft 2015 Second Authority for Television and Radio Law.
    4. The Cabinet approved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's proposed plan to strengthen economic links and cooperation with Japan
    5. The Cabinet approved a plan for the relocation of various IDF bases.